Kitchen of your dreams: choose the perfect palette


We spend the fourth part of your life in the kitchen, so you need to approach the choice of color decoration with special care. The color of the walls and kitchen appliances is able to influence the mood, our thoughts that, of course, will eventually affect the quality of the food prepared by you. So how to get a kitchen of your dream right?

First, as experienced designers advise, the maximum number of colors in the interior of one room should not exceed five. Moreover, the more the subject, the less screaming shade should correspond to it, but for small items, bright colors are suitable as it is impossible.

Interior design specialists share color combinations for several types: contrast, monotonous and mixed.

Fans of all classical, namely - monochrum, designers advise to use one color, but in different shades, so that the room visually does not seem flat.

Bright colors are suitable for kitchens combined with dining room or living room. But mixed colors imply the choice of one primary color, and the rest of the palette is arranged around it.

Make a few bright accents

Make a few bright accents


Decoration in red

Alaty cuisine is perfectly ill and increases the mood. Be sure that the drowsiness for breakfast in such a kitchen does not threaten you, especially if the shade is intense. However, it is easy to overdo it with this color, and it can start calling irritation.

So that this does not happen, use in the design of just a few bright accents, for example, red pillows on chairs or a "screaming" coffee maker.

Everything else, the red is perfectly combined with gray, white and brown, which allows you to not limit fantasy and invent incredible combinations.

Warm shades of green act on man soothing

Warm shades of green act on man soothing


Orange color in design

It is believed that orange configures on a positive way. So this, you can find out by purchasing a kitchen set in the appropriate color. Many celebrate his therapeutic effect, especially well affects expressive people, prone to change the mood often.

What is interesting, orange color is unlikely to get teste, even if you prevail: you can perform lockers or refrigerator completely in the shades of orange and it will not be busting.

It combines well with gray, black, peach and pistachio tint.

in the kitchen we spend a quarter of life

in the kitchen we spend a quarter of life



Excellent tones and configures on the working way - all this is about green. A person has an intuitive association with nature, which herself cannot push. Therefore, the green color will be the best option for designing a kitchen for emotionally unstable people. Moreover, you can do not only the kitchen, but also a dining room with a living room in a similar shade.

If you want to give the room more comfort, choose warm shades of green - salad, pistachio, olive or lime. Cold shades in turn are perfectly combined with chocolate, beige and white, which allows you to create a harmonious interior of the very visited place in the apartment.

No matter what color you have chosen, remember the main rule: at the same time you can use no more than five colors, and you need to select one main one.

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