Fragility itself: what is the "broken" heart syndrome


We are accustomed to the fact that the "broken heart" is poetic phint. But did you think how much such a diagnosis can be? If you do not take action on time, the heart can stop completely suddenly. Today we decided to talk about a rather unusual condition, which more often amazes the inhabitants of the big city.

Why our heart is "broken"?

Our natural motor is one of the most fragile bodies. The heart works without a break all our lives, while it is extremely susceptible to external changes like stress and physical overloads. A powerful emotional shock is capable if not to stop the heart, then a premature death may come to seriously disrupt its structure, in the absence of treatment.

In the scientific circles "broken heart" - acute heart failure, which becomes the result of the strongest shock. The left ventricle is experiencing a colossal stress at this moment, due to such a skew, the entire heart muscle works at the limit.

With this state, you can fight if you begin timely treatment when therapy and complete peace will help the heart to restore normal operation.

Attend cardiologist annually

Attend cardiologist annually


How does the syndrome manifest?

You may not pay attention to the periodic constraints in the chest, which is easy to confuse with the side of the experience of stress. At the same time, stress and excessive physical exertion may not always be the cause of heart failure. Experts still cannot with confidence to name the specific reasons for the occurrence of such a violation, in addition to stress, the surge of adrenaline can be a surge, with which the heart is not so easy to cope, and the change in the hormonal background may occur not only in the event of a reaction to negative events - even positive Experiences may adversely affect the work of the heart.

Is it possible to cope with the ailment?

Of course, it is not necessary to deal with the problem independently - still competent recovery is possible only under the control of the specialist. The only thing you can keep track of yourself is your emotional state. If you are diagnosed, it is important to avoid all kinds of emotional shocks from the very first day, which can not be reduced to all the efforts of your attending physician.

If you cannot cope with stress yourself, consult a psychologist who, together with a cardiologist, will begin work on the restoration of your psychological and physical health.

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