No longer a secret: sex tips from happy couple


As you know, without high-quality sex it is impossible to build trust and close relationships for many years. Some more couples are sometimes nothing that many problems in relationships can be solved by simulating contact in bed. We have collected the main advice that most often lived in harmony for many years. Record or save to bookmarks.

Always talk about your desires

There is nothing worse than the resentment on a partner and complete misunderstanding from the man. We have repeatedly said that men are unable to read your thoughts, he should not guess your preferences that you are stubbornly silent. Many women are afraid to be incomprehensible, because of what you have to restrain any gusts somehow diversify sexual life, with this approach, over time, disappears any desire to change something or offer a partner, as a result - irritation on both sides up to breaking relationships. And all because someone once silent. Do not like this, we voicate everything that you want to experience in bed, and also do not dilute, if something in the actions of the partner does not suit you.

Variety in the posture

Another small secret of comfortable and good sex is new locations and poses. Do not think that various stimulations will help solve the problem of reducing excitation, if you are used only to one or two posts. Also, you should not focus on the first three popular - look for new options and do not be afraid to try them, your partner will be delighted.

Look for ways to surprise partner

Look for ways to surprise partner


Come on the light

If one of your fantasies was threesome, why not make this idea at least once? Many couples who lived in marriage for many years are confident that one-time sex with the participation of the third trustee will only refresh your relationship without harming. Meet the partner and start the search for the Volunteer.

Sex in the middle of the day

Intimate in the morning and before bedtime has already been so bored that it is not worth the discussion. Housing sex is a completely different matter. Of course, it is not always possible to cut the soul mate, especially if you both work, but the weekend and vacation will completely come to sexual experiments. How did you try yet?

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