Sotuar: Chief Summer Hit or Useless Accessory


You probably saw this accessory on a friend or colleague, but mistakenly called it a "chain with a suspension". In fact, the elongated decoration on the neck with a pendant of any form is called Sotuar. His main charm in universality - the decoration is perfect for both the holidays for a walk to the city and for business events. It became interesting for us what kind of emphasis, and how to use it to create a stunning image.

What is "Sotuar"?

At the beginning of the 20th century, French girls tried to emphasize the length of the neck and neckline with all their might, for this, all sorts of chains, suspension and beads, thus, by trial and error, today we can observe a huge selection of cervical decorations. The minimum length of the sweeter is 75 cm, however, designers recommend buying a product from 90 cm. And longer.

Probably, in each fashion collection, you can find your variation of the Sotuoral, their models vary depending on the season, stylish direction and mood of the designer:

Multicolored Sotuar. As a rule, creating colored options, designers prefer large elements that today, by the way, in trend in any kinds of decorations. If you look closely to the "screaming" sotuoir, see that the dress is at least moving to the coincide on a shade with a bright accent.

Black and white Sotuar. Ideal option for accessing office or business lunch. Who said that accent decorations are impossible during the daytime? Choose a pair Sotuoar in a black and white shade under blouse or a business suit, especially if you have chosen "deaf" black in the image.

Casual Sotuar. A pendant in the form of a tassel or other wounded shape perfectly flies into a casual look for a walk. Sotuar perfectly "friendly" with jackets, denim and t-shirts.


Sotuar "Friends" almost with any material


As wearing Sotuvar

If you cannot proudly demonstrate a long neck, choose images with a deep cut on the back or middle neckline. In this case, the social must consist of several layers, and the links themselves should not be too large.

For girls with a round face, it is important to pick up the V-shaped neckline, whether a T-shirt or blouse is suitable for an accent, a multi-colored swelling with the links of a geometric shape, the main thing is not round.

If you are planning to enter the party and have already looked after a short cocktail dress, look at the contrasting cell. For evening outlets, Sotuar made of artificial stones and silk ribbons, which you will not venture to wear in the daytime. If the stones are not your topic, we select a decoration of beads.

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