Tatiana Vasilyev robbed for 20 million


Scandalous history is actively discussed in secular sidelines. According to rumors, the family of famous actress Tatiana Vasilyeva was robbed in the amount of over 20 million rubles. And the guilt of this was the daughter-in-law of the artist Anastasia Runov.

It is concerned that Philip, the son of Tatiana Vasilyeva, told reporters that he became, in fact, the victim of his own wife. Nastya removed all the money from the account and disappeared in an unknown direction. She does not respond to calls, so it is not possible to understand the cause of what happened. At the same time, the amount of damage caused about 350 thousand euros.

Philip and Nastya got married about six years ago. They are both actors. They were born sons - Ivan and Grigory. Philip was in the seventh heaven from happiness. He loved his wife very much and adores children.

According to the latest information, the disagreements on the financial soil of the spouses began several years ago. Then Philip helped his star mother, who gave money to buy real estate in Germany. There, a young man planned to learn, get directorial education. But in the end did not become, because the spouse did not want to stay in Europe and drop their work in the theater. E. Vakhtangov. At the same time, money was already lying on his account. Then they began to disappear especially quickly. Philip began to notice that funds are dried from the account. But since the sums were not so big, he did not give it much importance. He said to him that the young man alleged himself does not remember his spending.

Stanislav Sadalsky shed light on the relationship between the son of his girlfriend Tatyana Vasilyeva and her daughter-in-law. Photo: instagram.com/stassadal.

Stanislav Sadalsky shed light on the relationship between the son of his girlfriend Tatyana Vasilyeva and her daughter-in-law. Photo: instagram.com/stassadal.

What is interesting, rumors also crawled on the network that the money Nastya spent on friends or even men with whom her close relationship was associated. Such conversations began after the actor Stas Sadalsky hinted on a social network, which knows the actress that changes her husband with Vyacheslav Manucharov. Well-aware of the friends of Stanislav, fans immediately understood, about whom are we talking about, because Stas is close friends with Tatiana Vasilyeva. And about the novels of her daughter-in-law rumors have long been long. At the same time, he said that the husband himself does not know, but his mother is, it is even aware of the course and is going to hire a private detective. Therefore, I asked even friends to warn Vyacheslav Manucarova and keep the family. But, unfortunately, his appeal was not accidental. Philip is already aware of what happened and intends to deliver. And, they say, it's not only in Person Vyacheslav Manucharova.

Yesterday, Sadalsky published an article in his LiveJournal, where it was described in detail about the happening, confirming that his fears were faithful.

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