Reaen whether marriage without sex


Incredibly, but the fact is almost 15% of marriage couples, refuse to be in intimate proximity. Moreover, every fourth husband simply kisses his wife before bedtime, and then turns away to the wall. As it is possible, you ask, and we will answer you.

There are couples in which partners do not need a lot of sex.

There are couples in which partners do not need a lot of sex.


What is the reason?

Of course, there are serious reasons for the abandonment of sex, for example, the late dates of pregnancy women, recent birth or severe disease of one of the spouses, however, we are talking about those pairs that are quite a normal life typical of the metropolis, and still do not want to close with partner or partner.

The reason may be to madness banal: let's say a man gets a high position. Moreover, it does not work with whole days, but the new level of responsibility is able to knock out from the sexual rut for many months and even years - the potency is simply reduced. And, if at first the spouses are trying to solve this problem, they are experiencing cooling relationships, after a while they are bothering with this thought, continuing to live the usual life of married people, just sex from it disappear.

Also, often proximity in the marital life is absent due to the violation of the hormonal balance. However, no one can guarantee bright feelings after the normalization of the level of hormones, since the pair has already become accustomed to live in such a rhythm. One partner may feel a feeling of resentment and non-acceptance of the second half, which begins to avoid contact.

Woman can start experiencing psychological problems

Woman can start experiencing psychological problems


What consequences can abstain in marital life?

The easiest way to cope with the situation, where both partners have a low sexual constitution - they simply do not need a large number of sex for psychological reasons. Nevertheless, the pair, where the lack of sex is perceived calmly, are extremely rarely found: after all, married relations imply sex.

The main thing in such a situation is not to deny the availability of a problem, but to take it. As for men, a long-term abstinence leads to the problems of the psychological order, when it becomes scary to show the initiative because of the fear of failure. In the case of women, they are slightly simpler, but over time they can begin to experience problems with self-esteem and taking themselves: the wife becomes irritable, scandalous and disturbing.

Admit the problem and decide it together

Admit the problem and decide it together


Ultimately, the absence of sex can lead one of the partners to the bed to another woman or another man. And it will be difficult to blame for something: because he is looking for ways to meet basic needs.

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