Delicate question: how to treat urine incontinence


It is difficult to believe in it, but almost every fourth woman at least once in his life came across the manifestations of urinary incontinence. This delicate problem may seem insignificant, although in fact she often worsens the quality of life, limits physical and social activity and even negatively affects sex life.

Unfortunately, the representatives of the beautiful floor are often shy incontinence, they consider this problem too intimate, so they do not always turn to the urologist for treatment.

Moreover, as a rule, women aged suffer from urinary incontinence, which perceive it as a natural manifestation of the organism aging, which is not necessary.

But there is such a need: if this ailment is not eliminated, over the years it will not only disappear, but also will progress, significantly worsening the quality of life. In addition, urinary incontinence can be a symptom of more serious disorders in the urogenital system.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Urology and Surgical Andrology of the RMAPO, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation Alexander Seregin

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Urology and Surgical Andrology of the RMAPO, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation Alexander Seregin

Who is in the risk group

In the risk group - women who had difficulty childbirth, those who deal with severe physical labor suffer from constipation and, which is very important, women with overweight. Implanting can develop with age: during menopause, the level of female sex hormones is reduced, the elasticity of the tissues of the urinary tract decreases.

Three main types of incontinence: stressful, urgent and mixed

Stressing urinary incontinence is manifested during exercise, cough, sneezing. That is, when the abdominal muscles are strained and put pressure on the bladder. Normally, the flow of the liquid is hampered by the urethra (urethra) sphincter. The leakage occurs when it is weakened and does not cope with its function. According to statistics, such as incontinence of one or another severity suffer from 4% to 35% of women.

With urgenic urine incontinence, a woman is experiencing very strong urge to urine, but in time to go to the toilet may not have time. About 19% of women older than 44 years have this violation.

Mixed incontinence is a combination of urgent and stressful types.

How to treat

Training of the muscles of the pelvic bottom with the use of Cherel exercises perfectly helps to treat stress incontinence, mixed and even some symptoms of the urgent. The complex of exercises includes training of different types of complexity. They need to be performed regularly, increasing duration and load.

The essence of the exercise of Kegel is to repetition exercises for compression (slow voltage), reduction (rapid voltage) and pushing (in which you need to surfaches).

The simplest training scheme: squeeze muscles for 10 seconds, after that, to relax them at the same time, repeat 10 times a few times a day.

Before starting classes, it is necessary to learn from the gynecologist, do you have contraindications. In no case do not make exercises during urination, so you will achieve the opposite effect.

In cases where the Kegel exercises do not help cope with incontinence, surgical treatment is shown, the most effective type of which is the installation of a free synthetic loop (TVT-loop).

Such a loop after a few punctures put in the space between the urethra and the front wall of the vagina. This method is currently recognized as the most effective in combating stress incontinence.

The loop installation operation lasts long (about half an hour), it can be carried out to women at any age, as well as with a large weight (up to 95 kg). Recovery period is painless and short (2-3 weeks). Home The patient may return the day after surgery.

In the urgent and mixed type, treatment is shown using anticholinergic preparations (to reduce the ability of brain cells to the transmission of nerve signals). However, taking into account possible side effects, elderly patients, they should be appointed only under the strict control of the doctor.

In addition, with all the varieties of stress incontinence, a certain water-drinking mode should be observed, limit the use of coffee and alcohol, reduce excess weight if it is available.

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