Andrei Sokolov: "On those filming, Oleg Tabakov presented to me a great lesson of skill"


Actor, director and producer Andrei Sokolov August 13 marks birthday. On the eve he met a journalist and spoke about the attitude towards the film "Little Vera", star disease and today's situation in cinema and theater

Andrei, what is more interesting for you: acting, director or produce?

- I can definitely say: I have not played yet! It is unlikely that there is a actor who could say: "I wanted, already played." Extreme units that can boast of it. Another thing, I am now more in the director I try to implement myself. And I understand that I began to miss as an actor. Because the actor must be constantly in the training. Of course, I have performances, I'm removing, it is understandable. But I want such an epochal. (Laughs.) Because you feel that you have a certain potential that it would be great to implement. And experience appears, and still hands-legs go and think something. On the other hand, I see like a producer, a movie is a young business. Cassu makes the viewer from 15 to 40 years. This is a specific art, craft, so in order to do something by and large, you need a large material. And the good material itself is quite rare, and it is even less for the older generation of actors. Was recently the film Volodya Shevelkova, where I was already playing father and grandfather. That was interesting.

Tell me, who is the director for you as for the actor, and who is the actor for you when you sit on the director's chair?

- I used to think so too about this question, as long as I did not finish the highest directorial courses. Until then, I guess I did not quite rightly behaved on the site. It seemed to me that the actor should defend his opinion, but now there is no more obedient actor than I, because I understand: the picture is still a director, everything goes through the scoring of the vision of the director, as he transforms the material that is like He puts accents, as he sets up the whole orchestra is his merit. The actor must be in good sense, like plasticine, but not mindless, and plasticine with his charisma, thinking, vision, with his point of view. So when I'm on the director's chair, then I first ask to do what I need, and then I already listen to all the offers that go along. If they are suitable for piggy bank, I accept and embellish with great gratitude. And when I'm on an acting chair, then for me the director - the king and God. I try to maximize what he asks. And if I have any thoughts, I try to share them correctly, and already protecting your colleague by profession and in misfortune. Because I, as an actor, fucked and left, and he, the poor, the head will hurt much more.

Admit, and what is your today's attitude to the title of sex symbol of the USSR after the release in 1988 the film "Little Vera"?

- You know, it's like a small child. Funny.

But is this an epocal role in a plan?

- I certainly agrees. But this is already nostalgia. (Laughs.) When they say about it, I perceive it as a conversation about your favorite toy. She is, she gave what to say there, chance, the ability to be implemented. The roads were all open. Here is today's brains and that guy in the head. Prices would not be! (Laughs.) In the meantime, very good and warm memories. With Nataska (the performer of the main women's role, Actress Natalia Egroh. - approx. Auth.) Sometimes we call back. It is a pity that Sasha Mironov left his life. I meet with Zaitseva, Nazarov, we all somehow remember this story. She somehow we had invisible threads and behaves in life. There is such.

Andrei Sokolov in the film

Andrey Sokolov in the movie "Little Vera"

Photo: Frame from the movie

And then, in the late 80s, the head did not spin after the premiere?

- Well, how, hello, of course, he fled. This is also part of the profession. At that time, of course, I hardly thought that it could be called a star disease. Analyzing what happened, I, by and large, did not demolish the lid. But at some stage, I began to understand that I was cleared of pieces, and if I stop this process, then I probably would not remain anything. And now this sharp stop, care in digging the most, namely, in school, because I was then studying. I remember somehow the representatives of some festival call and ask if I would fly to Japan a direct flight or through England, figuratively speaking, and I answer that I could not, I have a study. People just did not understand and put the tubes. You can relate differently to this, but here when you go in such a stream, when everyone looks at you with open eyes and you like a certain wonder, you need to be able to produce an antidote. It would be nice if there was such a socio-public subject in educational institutions, which would be called, for example, "how to behave with people, how to build a career." After all, it is also not a secret that there are many talented people, about which, due to their character, no one knows. There are people ingenious, fantastic, but who do not have to be implemented, and the workors who are a quiet bare forward and ahead come to the fore. There is nothing wrong with that, they also grow in large actors, the honor of them and praise, a low bow. But there are also such nuggets that need to be simply protected, without giving them to burn, and they burn, unfortunately.

The role in this picture in the root changed your life, gave the green light, but here, in your confession, a role in the project "Lawyer", which lasted twelve years, was more influenced by you, changed the character and habit. And yet, which of these two films influenced you more?

- You know, "lawyer" is a small life. This is not a year or two, and not even three, it lasted more than ten years. And this is what began as art with the "line of protection", and then turned into a craft already in the "lawyer". What's the sin to hide something, it is visible on the screen that there are already special accomplishments that are hard to find. But this is a tremendous experience. I began to shoot as director for the first time. And the producer became there for the first time. We had a whole family that lived for a long time, and the backbone still exists. And what more influenced? That enormous experience made it possible to somehow properly arrange priorities. I understood that I miss something in connection with permanent employment. But on the other hand, I felt that I had a certain recognition in addition to the "Little Faith." Because the picture "Little Vera" was so and remains a landmark film that she had to have a good sense to break the ridge so that people knew that I had not only a "little faith" that there was something else. I somehow calculated, I have more than one hundred main roles in the cinema, but still know "asphalt hunting", "Little faith", "lawyer", such a clip from five-seven paintings. After all, few people heard about the "seagull", "letters last life" and then on the list, as they say. (Laughs.)

Andrei Sokolov:

"I remember somehow calls representatives of some festival and ask if I will fly to Japan a direct flight or through England, figuratively speaking, and I answer that I can't, I have a study"

Gennady Avramenko

They know what the TV is shown, for example, the "last armor train".

- Here, quite right. And the same "personal circumstances", "the prodigal son", which somehow strangely passed, although the film is colossal. Now we are waiting for "coal", "the memory of autumn", for three years it has passed, as I removed this picture. But this is not my field, so I can only desire, regret and hope.

And wait, and the actors know how to do it perfectly ...

- Yes, in this regard, I had a very interesting example, when we shot along with Oleg Pavlovich Tobakov. In Simferopol. The plane was in the evening. Already lunch, and also in the frame did not entered. I run around the director, jumping. And tobacco is calm, only asked for a cart for himself to bring the hay, telobrechka and a blanket. I am: "Oleg Pavlovich, what?" - "Andryush, do you know that most importantly in the cinema?" - "Play well" - "No, the most important thing in the cinema is to be able to wait. Relax!" And then they really removed in five minutes before the end of the shift. Then run by the plane, in general, everyone managed. Here. The great lesson from the Great Man and the Master.

Today, the cinema has changed strongly. And theater of these changes touched?

- Well, of course. I immediately define: I am a supporter of a more classic theater, but the same play "Koyka", which I put, was experimental. It was quoted then. Only the lazy did not see the quotes from there. For fifteen years, that we played, we played 1752 performances, this is a colossal figure. Genesis determines consciousness. Meal'n'Real. All of these truths that were wrinkled, they certainly exist, but it seems to me when they go to the theater for something else than what it is intended, for example, behind outrage, this is a somewhat different story. When the director cannot tell a story with words, but trying to replace them with other forms, and not always decent, for me it is weakness. I can not say that there are things unjustified, there is, but when it becomes an end in itself, what to say then. And, unfortunately, there are always destroyers among talented people. They are enough. Because it is easier, on the one hand. And it always acts on the younger generation. People who adults will rise and go away, and those who are put on, they are hipped. Unfortunately, this is with us, is present. But despite such things, there are pillars, people who are based on our theater art. God gave them health.

Andrei Sokolov:

"Previously, the actor was a piece goods. Now I see how the castings are passing, I see how it all happens - the cheaper, the better"

Gennady Cherkasov

In your opinion, the status status has become different?

- Yes. This also dictates its laws. Previously, the actor was a piece goods. Now I see how the castings are passing, I see how it all happens - the cheaper, the better. And cheap is not good. The profession must be obtained, so it is called the profession. And the TV produces a very strong impact on the minds, he raises the viewer, tears. And this is the generation of fast food has already been brought up, by and large. And why then educational institutions? Why is it all necessary when you can show a monkey month on TV and, as someone from the great, she will become a star? This is now going on. The fact that we drip the pit in this regard will definitely. People who cannot empathize will not be able to build a normal society. And the culture must be planted. And it is a painful process. And it is much more difficult to make a person think, be able to appreciate anything than to protect your natural need.

And what does the actor hold such a theater as "Lenk"?

- When you are there for more than 25 years, it is definitely your home. And no matter how the relationship is, the magic of the theater, the magic of Zakharov, the atmosphere exactly what was in it laid, exists. And how much you put in the scene, so much will give you so much. And there is always an understanding that this is your home, and parents do not choose, as they say. Here the process of choice is initial when you are invited to the theater. But again, each of the actors have their own attitude towards theater. Someone believes that it is impossible to work in one theater for more than five years, sucking. And you need to change. And it seems to me, on the contrary: they do not change horses on the crossing. I certainly love this theater. There are some kind of pitfalls, it's like a state in the state. But this is life, it is normal.

What has changed with the care of Mark Anatolyevich Zakharov?

- While talking about it very early. Because the steam locomotive that he dispersed, that inertia will still lead the theater. And now just a period of such finding the form of existence. In any case, it is clear who, instead of Mark Anatolyevich, he still will lose. All will be compared. And not only that this director should be an artist in itself, but he must still be an artist with talent and character to compare this comparison. Therefore, everything is not easy. Now his associate Mark Borisovich as a colleague, partner and friend is engaged in the theater. And this, as it seems to me, today is the rightmost decision.

There was no moment in life so that you regret your chosen path?

- Doubts, they always eat young men. But here it is human weakness, if you say to yourself: "Brother, you made a mistake," then what to do? Therefore, when the periods of youth weakness happen, some kind of wisdom is included, which indicates that everything is known in comparison. That everything is just not given. And if you look at at least the result from the side, then you understand: I managed something in this profession. It could be different, yes, probably, it could, but the story of the subjunctive ignition does not like and does not perceive. This is from the category if ... and what will change from this? I think something managed, something is not. But still there is an opportunity to go on. The road is asset going. There are plans, ideas that can still be glory to God to implement.

You have a birthday. Do you like to celebrate so far?

- It is precisely noting only anniversaries five-year-old. And so we traditionally with close people, we dump the sea and spend your time.

Your attitude to your age? After all, in childhood everyone wants to grow faster, and with age, many begin to hide him.

- What to hide something? It is what it is. Here, as they say correctly, it is much less inside, than outside, for example, on the face. But we just deserve the face that they worked. But what has grown, it has grown. What now, you will not do anything. There is, of course, regret, I would like ... But this is again the subjunctive inclination. Therefore, do what should, and whether it will be. No need to forget that you are a boy. Although, when you understand that something passes by side, sometimes it becomes a shame (laughs).

Are you a superstitious person? Or number 13 in which you were born, happy for you?

- Undoubtedly, it is happy for me. And if only because I was born on this day. But I gave tribute to the tremendous experience of thousands of years, when people respect themselves to one or another events. But if the black cat runs, I probably will try not to climb right away if there is such an opportunity. If earlier, Pyatk was put in the shoe, when she walked on the exam, now I rarely go to the exams, the five-way are not appreciated (laughs). I am in terms of some specific superstitions, if they are reasonable, and I can understand them, I respect with respect.

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