5 secrets storage cereals


Porridge for breakfast is considered a tradition in many families. Nutritionists insist that the cereal should be regularly for health benefits. It contains a huge number of useful trace elements, they are well absorbed and give a feeling of satiety for a long time. But it is terribly inconvenient to keep it. Packages and cardboard boxes in which it is sold, do not save from absorption of foreign odors. Yes, and insect it is easy to get into a leakage packaging. I learned several rules how to save products to never throw them out.

Secret number 1

By bringing a croup from the store, place it immediately in the freezer for a couple of days - the cold will not give bugs. In the winter, if you have a glazed balcony, store the croup there, just follow, so that it does not die. There is a diametrically opposite way to protect meals from insects - to roll, for example, buckwheat in a pan or in the oven. Hot air, like frost, destroys the larvae. In addition, the fireman improves the taste of porridge.

Grech tastier after roas

Grech tastier after roas


Secret number 2.

If you like the smell of lemon, then decompose the dry crusts of citrus in containers in which you hold the croup. Choose plastic or glass containers with dense covers for storage. Insects are susceptible to lemon zest.

Bugs do not like a zest

Bugs do not like a zest


Secret number 3.

They do not like bugs and metal, so you can put small pieces of foil into the cans with a semoline and the millet. And our grandmothers kept flour in linen bags together with a comfortable spoon, which, at the same time, always allowed to take the desired amount for the dish.

Keep flour in a hermetic jar

Keep flour in a hermetic jar


Secret number 4.

If you are a rice amateur, then you know that this product quickly absorbs extraneous smells, so keeping it in a hermetic container, putting a piece of burning pepper under the cover. He does not smell anything, but helps the cereal stored longer.

Put to rice pepper

Put to rice pepper


Secret number 5.

Probably, this is the most important point - regularly clean the kitchen cabinets. Infected with bugs products or with expiring shelf life, throw out without thinking. For example, buckwheat is stored for 20 months, but the millet is only 4. It helps to fight insects dry herbs, for example, calendula flowers - spread them on the shelves.

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All largest storage


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