7 tips for travelers with dogs


Soon the long May holidays, and behind them the season of vacation. In front of the owners of the dogs, there is a difficult question: to look for someone who will look at their pet or take the four friends with you on a journey? If you still decided on a joint trip, remember, not all the beasts easily transfer transport. Prepare for rest in advance, but will tell me how.

Tip №1

Planning - the foundation of any journey. In case of a trip with a dog, this item is no less important than with a baby. Start preparing in advance. You must take care of the health of your pet: to carry out treatment from helminths and skin parasites, make vaccinations - all this should be reflected in a veterinary passport.

Treat a dog from ticks

Treat a dog from ticks


Tip №2.

In a new place, the dog can be confused and run away, so it is desirable to chip or buy a collar with a search engine. Do not forget to capture several leashes with you, different lengths.

Burst leash

Burst leash


Tip number 3.

Choosing a hotel, please note whether tailed guests take there and under what conditions. There are no such services in many hotels. Before booking a room, be sure to read the reviews of other pet travelers.

Not every hotel is pleased to the tail

Not every hotel is pleased to the tail


Tip number 4.

Listen to the advice of experienced tourists and go with a dog by car. Yes, spend a part of the holidays behind the wheel - tedious, but in this case, in priority, the convenience of PSA, and not yours. It is important to remember that a pet must be recorded in the cabin to be fixed by the restraint of the safety belt, so that you do not interfere, and do not worship in case of sharp braking.

Ride by car - more convenient

Ride by car - more convenient


Tip number 5.

There are places where you will not get free vehicles, although the softeners crane critically belong to flights, but what can you do. In any case, agree with the representatives of the airline that the dog will fly with you in the cabin. And do not forget to clarify the details of the payment for the flight with an unusual passenger - sometimes additional fees can exceed the cost of the ticket.

Dogs do not like to fly

Dogs do not like to fly


Tip number 6.

Collect PSA things no less carefully than your own. For example, in the country where you fly may not be the usual feed, which eats your favorite. So you have to take a meal reserve for the entire stay. Without a favorite toy - he will be sad. Someone can not sleep not on her litter or there is from someone else's bowl. Do not forget the medication set, just in case.

Do not forget your favorite things

Do not forget your favorite things


Tip number 7.

During a trip by car, do not only brief sanitary stops, but also make small walks - the dog needs to be demolished. You understand that, traveling with a domestic pet, you can forget about the extensive cultural program, and about the constant beach holiday - it is not an entertainment for your fellow traveler.

You will have to live in the interests of the dog

You will have to live in the interests of the dog


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