Wolf in sheep skins: if a partner has a deal to everyone except you


The emotionally irresponsible person is a person who lacks sympathy for his beloved, he cannot consider an alternative point of view in the context of interpersonal relationships and is often indifferent to who he or she is close to. This man feels entitled to do what he wants without worrying about how these actions and words affect the people with whom he is building relationships.

Caring for the emotional state of the other is important

Caring for the emotional state of the other is important

These trends are pronounced in interpersonal relationship, but often disguised in public life. A clever man understands that his manners and concern for others create a favorable reputation. However, behind closed doors, when there are no "real" consequences, this person often demonstrates the lack of sympathy and avoiding unpleasant emotions. The discrepancy between the public presentation of a person and its real character qualities may be huge. If you have experienced guilt, not understanding why your favorite one is alone, and with you another, read this stuff.

Skillful deceivers

Unfortunately, emotional irresponsibility is easy to disguise in interpersonal relationship, because it manifests itself through words - the sphere in which everyone can skillfully manipulate others. Using deviations, minimization and justification, an emotionally irresponsible person quickly rejects the feelings of a loved one and justifies himself. He or she easily avoids the discomfort of emotional responsibility.

The signs of an emotionally responsible person include:

1. The ability to see the point of view of the beloved person, even if it differs from his or her.

2. The ability to self-analysis and participation in conflict.

3. Test sincere repentance after an error.

4. Emotionally tuned and conscious in relation to others.

5. Can be vulnerable, identify and discuss hard feelings.

6. We bring sincere apologies for the error.

Like fire and water

Emotionally sophisticated people can resolve the conflict because they can stick to another point of view, reflect on ourselves and take part in the conflict. In addition, since they are characteristic of sympathy, they usually behave consciously towards others. After a selfish act or error, they usually feel remorse, apologize and are trying to correct the gap in the relationship. On the other hand, an emotionally irresponsible side only reflects on their feelings and is unable to stick to another point of view. The resolution of the conflict becomes almost impossible because of the conviction of a person in the fact that he or she is always right.

Do not be egocentric

Do not be egocentric

Everything is not just so

Emotionally responsible person is a person who can support healthy and close relations with other people who share the same values. Conflict resolution, consciousness in relation to other and recognition of guilt in relations are important abilities that allow a person to take care and understand others. This does not mean that an emotionally intelligent person will not be selfish behavior or he does not make mistakes, but it means that he or she can make a selfish act, trying to justify the pain caused to them. Correction of errors in relationships supports intimacy, joy and trust - do not miss such moments.

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