Colin Farrell: "I kissed the director's wife in his eyes"


- Colin, what was your first reaction when you were offered to be removed in the remake of the legendary militant 1990 "Remember everything"?

- The first thing I thought was the idea so-so. But he decided on shooting after reading the script. I remembered myself a 15-year-old, who liked this movie so much, and said: Sorry, forget about Arnold, forget about everything. You have to look at this scenario as the original. After all, many actors come back to the plays in the theater several times, and the directors tell in their own way already well-known stories.

- In the original film with Arnold Schwarzenegger, his hero flies to Mars. Your character did not introduce this opportunity: everything happens on Earth. Do not regret?

- very expensive tickets. (Laughs.) And if seriously, I really like what this film tried to do independently.

- You are playing a simple guy who turns out to be a hero. And who is a hero for you?

- My mum. She is an amazing woman. And it was for me a hero and when I was small, and now, when I am 36 years old and I myself have children. And also my eldest son is eight. He has a rare genetic disease - Angelman's syndrome, but he is so clever, and also my hero. Yes, and if you just read the newspaper, you can find examples of heroism. There are so many tragedies in the world, and there are always people who try to help, fix something. In general, any person needs to try to live in a honest, to be a holistic person, take care of those who need you. All this is also a manifestation of heroism.

- Your ideas about the future coincide with what you saw in this film?

- Not. It seems to me that the film gives a very simplified idea of ​​the future. It shows the elite of society living in one part of the planet; oppressed working class living in another; Very polluted environment, on the one hand, and some impressive architecture and the latest technology - on the other. In general, black and white. Therefore, when people say that the world in the film looks terrible and we are just moving exactly to this future, I do not agree with that. After all, the future is the continuation of our present, in which we now live. Our world is very complicated, very diverse, heterogeneous. Everywhere your level of equality, corruption, violence, cruelty. But at the same time, enough good and mercy, which support the world in equilibrium. And, thank God, there are people who are ready to promote the ideas of peace, fraternity and universal love.

- Shooting in a fantastic film is a third party always seem to be an adventure. This is true?

- Yes. It was and insanely interesting, and fun, and scary - as usual happens in adventures.

- What was the most terrible?

- Flying cars. It was a complex design that was ruled by two people: from below. The one at the bottom was dressed in a helmet and a special protective suit, and we at the top in ordinary clothes rushed at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour and crashed into other cars. It was scary. Fun, of course, too. But scary. (Smiles.)

- And fight and kissing Cate Beckinsale, who is part-time is the wife of the director of the film Lena Waysman, was not scary?

"Yes, I had to fight and kiss with Kate." But to hit the wife of the director in the frame is easier than kissing. The fact is that the fight is a statement, we practically do not touch each other. But you need to kiss truly. I would not forget how our lips in front of Lena had to close with Kate. And he pulled this scene very quickly, for two doubles. Although it seemed to me that I could make it even better, but I did not insist on one double. It is good yet we did not have to go to bed in bed! (Laughs.)

- The film demanded a great physical activity from you? Many tricks performed themselves?

- Everything! Okay, lying. I'm lying like Pinocchio, and now I will grow a long nose. (Laughs.) I have done, probably, percent of 90 tricks, in the remaining scenes for me, a cascade was shot. For example, in the one where I needed to jump from the elevator. I, if honestly, I'm afraid of heights, and I was very in myself.

- If you had the opportunity to return some memories, what would it be?

- I do not know, I do not remember them. (Laughs.)

- What are your happiest memories from childhood?

- How I play football. I spent most of the childhood on the field, where the boys and I were driving football. And not far away was the park, in which we often went and knocked up chestnuts from the trees. And then played chestnuts. Do you know how to play chestnuts?

- Not.

- Not? How much you lost! (Laughs.) Here it is, the difference of cultures, we have this one of the most common games. I will teach you now. We need a nail to do on the chestnut hole, put the lace and take in the hand so that chestnut is hung on this shoelace. And the other person has the same billet at your chestnut, and who is the first split chestnut another, he won. Everything is very simple. (Smiles.)

- You would not want to change the past, for example, go back and become a football player?

- Can i? (Laughs.) Well, I do not know, maybe. I became an actor because I did not become a football player. But on the other hand, everything suits me. I take my life as it is, and I am satisfied with it.

- Is there anything that would like to forget?

- Do you mean, did I have a shame for myself? Sure. Did it hurt me? Sure. Did you cry? Was the moments when I wanted to go differently? Sure. But I have to be able to take my past as it was, and be grateful to him for what I have now.

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