Here is employed: 4 signs that a man has a family


You got acquainted with a pleasant man, everything seems to be fine - you spend the time, nights are just fantastic, but you do not leave the unpleasant feeling that the man hides something. Sometimes suspicions are not at all groundless - a man may be married or consist in a civil marriage. So how to determine that a new acquaintance is lying? Let's figure it out.

What is this track?

No matter how trivially, a man can give a track from the wedding ring. Of course, any advant man takes off the ring before meeting with a woman with which he plans a short (or not very) incinement. Men rarely wear other decorations, although there are exceptions, but you should pay attention to this moment: in summer, on a nameless finger, you will be likely to notice a light strip on your finger - you hardly thought about the uniform of the sun, resting with my wife, if On the yard the cold season, on the finger you can see the corn or red stripe.

Only official relations are often important for men.

Only official relations are often important for men.


Or married, or not

In the case of a civil marriage, everything is more complicated - often men do not consider themselves tightly tied to a woman with whom they live long, but not officially, so your partner can completely say that he is "free as wind." But you, naturally, should not arrange such an order. "Citizens" love to demonstrate a "clean" passport at the first opportunity, as they know how important this item is important for a woman, so do not lose vigilance - the empty page does not yet mean that no one is waiting for a man.

He runs off every evening

A busy man is subordinate to the routine of the day. Be sure everything is designed for him: when the wife returns from work and how much time they spend in the cabin, how much time he needs time to get home and everything in such a spirit. A man who does not part with the phone or a clock should alert you: hardly a person who has just perfectly spent a few hours with you and which is free, will nervously glanced on your watch in the kitchen or in the bedroom, trying to come up with a significant reason for "escape " Of course, there are things from everyone, but each of your meeting on a schedule is a very suspicious event.

He is against common photos

In the era of social networks, information about a particular person can be found for some couple of clicks in the phone. No matter how you swear, that these photos will be left only with you and will warm you up at night when it is not there, he will never agree to risk it. You want to boast of your man with any woman, it is difficult to restrain - there is no girl in the account account, but then the hand will appear, the look from the back of your man. The strong floor knows good about it, and therefore during all joint exits with the "secret" girl of a man with all their might try to get out of the frame. Strange for a person who has nothing to hide, do not find?

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