Maxim Kiselev: "At the first meeting, my future wife did not really want to meet, I had to show perseverance"


Maxim Kiselev left the ranks of the bachelor and tied himself to the bonds of marriage with a girl named Maria. Recently, the couple returned from a wedding trip. Meets with the artist and recorded his impressions.

- Maxim, for a wedding trip you chose Dominican. Why this particular country?

- the mass of options was discussed, but we decided that we would fly to the Dominican Republic. I really liked it there! True, we repeatedly managed to burn there.

- What is most memorized while traveling?

- Perhaps the process of treating beloved. Masha fell ill - she loves ice cream and cold drinks, so it was aired, got drunk and walked on the third day of rest. But it did not prevent us from us.

- Probably you still get congratulations on the wedding. How did she go through the classic scheme?

- Draishes seemed to be no. Probably remembered all these wedding rituals, more precisely ceremony. They, on the one hand, banal, and on the other - very touching. For example, parent traditions - a meeting of newlyweds with carable. After painting, we all played as it should: honestly and from the soul.

But after a few days have made a holiday in colonial style. There was sunny, smart and beautiful. Walked more than a hundred people. Mostly close people, relatives and friends. Like everyone else.

Maxim and Maria decided for a long time, where and when to arrange a wedding. As a result, organized such a holiday that arranged the bride and groom, and the bride

Maxim and Maria decided for a long time, where and when to arrange a wedding. As a result, organized such a holiday that arranged the bride and groom, and the bride

- They say you transferred a wedding date several times for different reasons?

- Not certainly in that way. We solved, in which month it is better to arrange everything. And Maria wished in the summer. Why? Heat, and photos will turn out more beautiful. Masha wanted to play a wedding in nature, in a picturesque place, and not in the usual restaurant. So came out.

- Maxim, how does your wife react to the fact that you are often not at home?

- Refers with understanding. When I leave, waiting patiently, and immediately after arrival, the period of relations under the motto "Oh, we missed you so insanely." Apparently, therefore there are no domestic conflicts. Although there is one point. Maria, doping tea, leaves a bag in the circle. This, of course, is unacceptable.

- What does your spouse do? Does it relate to creativity and humor?

- She works in the Fashion industry. But, since we live together, we started to get sly on this. Since I work as an editor in KVN and teaching young Cavencers to play, the wife goes with me in different cities and drinks this atmosphere. Moreover, she even went on stage to perform with another team. She has an idea - to assemble the new team "Female Women," where the spouses of Cavanechikov will play, and perform at the festival in Sochi. Tell about the problems that are experienced wives of Cavanechikov. This have not happened before.

- Do you remember the moment of dating with the future spouse?

- We met four years ago at the disco in my native Smolensk. At first I drew attention to her, and in the morning I decided to approach. Maria, as I understood, did not really want to get acquainted. And I had to show perseverance. I asked the phone number, and - bingo! She gave me a business card. I wanted to wait for the morning, but I could not restrain - in an hour I wrote the first Esemis. In short, with the help of perseverance managed to agree on a date. So it all started.

- What did Maria hit you then?

- It is difficult to describe such words. Mary I just really liked. Pretty, kind, gentle. That day it was such a beautiful pencil skirt! I insisted that we continue to communicate, and in a week met again. For me, Maria arrived from Moscow, where he worked in Smolensk. The first date passed on the cemetery - in the Memorial complex "Katyn".

- You somehow said that the biggest quarrel in life between you lasted only three minutes. And who is the first to concessions?

- A man must go for concessions first, I think so. Usually I pretend that nothing happened, I do not pay attention to it.

Maxim Kiselev:

Maxim Kiselev and his colleague on the show "Once in Russia" Olga Kartunkova on the set of parodies on the program "Field of Miracles"

- You have the most favorite image in the show "Once in Russia". Maybe there are several of them?

- Oh, there were so many that I will answer philosophically. I think this image is ahead.

- It happens that your recognition helps in life?

- Infrequently, but happens. Here in Smolensk recently I was taken a couple of times for a taxi for free. And in one cafe they made pancake with meat for free. So the pros is obvious.

- You often play the role of servants of the law. How is the interaction with real traffic cops and police officers? Do they recognize you?

- There was a case in Sochi a couple of days ago. I stand at the train station, waiting for the train - and the police officer comes out. Begins to look at me. Watching for a very long time. I even become uncomfortable. I think: what's the matter? " And then he fits and asks: "KVN?" I say: "KVN." And he continues: "I am still standing and I can not understand - or in KVN, or in a new orientation I saw." In other situations, police are usually photographed.

- As you know, television takes away a lot of time. How do you spend hours free from work?

- Recently, spend your free time for such an exciting occupation as repairs. It is said that this is like a natural disaster. We try to treat it with a smile. We love each other, so sometimes we even climb deliciously. This is indescribable.

- Spouse watching you on TV? Do you listen to her advice?

- When we together, do not look. But when I am not there, then, as far as I know, Masha, of course, looks at "one day in Russia". And sometimes he tells me: "It was necessary to do a little differently here, here the other phrase would come." And I listen.

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