Winter hibernation is canceled: why you need to play sports in the cold season


And it's not just that the autumn evening I want to move less, climb under the blanket and drink tea with sweets - with the arrival of cold weather metabolism slows down, and the body begins to store fat before long winter. On the one hand, it is possible to dump this trouble on nature and internal mechanisms against which you will not go, but there is at least 5 reasons to play the autumn and winter.

The most important thing is to start regular training to cold weather when the energy after summer vacation is not entirely spent, because the closer winter is the more difficult the body to get used to physical activity. "Why is she needed at all? I will be smaller, and there is no need to force yourself to train, when I don't want it at all, "you say. In fact, you need to play sports, and it is desirable in the company of people unfamiliar to you. Moreover, the charm of physical exertion is not at all that you will become more beautiful and tightened - it is only a pleasant bonus, like an increased self-esteem (it's no secret that, developing physically and morally, a person begins to respect him more).

Winter hibernation is canceled: why you need to play sports in the cold season 31727_1

First, no matter how strange it sounds, sport is the best view of the rest, and this is a long-proven fact. Agree, each at least once felt broken after several hours spent on the sofa in the lying position, and after training, on the contrary, he felt like a man in the full sense of the word. This is especially true of those who work in the office and moves little - in this case, physical activity improves the overall condition of the body and removes psychological stress. Moreover, the sport helps to increase stress resistance and get rid of the Handra, and it makes it better than familiar sweets. Many are accustomed to the "eating" stress with chocolate, and this is a completely logical explanation. The fact is that cocoa contributes to the development of endorphins - hormones of happiness, which help to avoid nervous disruptions, but physical exertion is also in the same property. Endorphins plus extra centimeters on the pope, or endorphine plus a tightened figure - to solve you.

Work like everyone else, and tired several times more? And again sports will come to the rescue. Regular physical exertion helps to become rushing, especially if you increase their intensity and do a little more than you planned, each time you planned. In addition to the power of will and general endurance, intense training increases immunity, and the body begins to work as a clock. The same applies to the inner state: the sport turns a sluggish and apathetic person in the "battery" capable of charging around their energy. In this sense, we, adults, are not much different from children - just like to move and run, though, sometimes forget about it.

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In fact, remember that such a team game, the joy of movement and a sense of victory, much easier than it seems - it is enough to just participate in the marathon, work out on the workout area or visit the city sports event. For example, quite soon in Moscow will be held the third race "Become a man", organized by Reebok, whose participants will have to run about 5 kilometers and pass 10 difficult tests. The event will be held on October 3 and 4 on the territory of the Badajan plant, and if you want not only to work out sports, but also to challenge yourself, as well as feel part of something more, then the best way than the massive race, not to find exactly. In order to take part in the project "Become a man-3" project, you need to register your team on the website www.stankelovekom3.rf until September 28, 2015 (the team for the race should consist of 6 people at least two of which should be one Floor. The combination is recommended - 4 men and 2 women). Participate free!

Photo: Reebok press service

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