Family problems? Invite your husband on dance


"I do almost all my life dancing, and my profession implies communication with huge (yes, just like that!) The number of men, and, as it seems to me, for several years I learned some patterns in their psychology and relationships with women, the" killer "romantically Love relations are a habit. Men need a sense of holiday, surprise, sexy excitement, a little novelty and secrets. The corresponding atmosphere can be created at home. One of these techniques (rather typical, but at the same time effective) is an erotic dance. Recall the episode from the movie "9 ½ weeks", where Kim Bacyinger dances under the song Joe Cocker - this is a classic! Your man will be crazy if you arrange him such an evening. Dance is an expression of a sexual soul, human sensuality. Can I assume that you are infrequently dancing at home in front of your man?

It is very important that such a dance is properly prepared: everything can be done by observing several non-hard and the obvious rules.

Step One: Choose music

Ideally, that it meets musical preferences and taste your man should be rhythmic and combined with erotic movements and configure. For example, sometimes a strong tide of feelings and emotions causes music to which you for the first time danced together or kissed, or simply met each other. The track should not be very long: as a rule, three or four minutes.

Step second: Think

Come up with the image: What is able to excite your man, awaken in it of attraction and interest. You can turn into a shy high school student or dishonest and aggressive rocker. In the office fatal beauty or in a red hat, or in a tricky chanterelle. Restrictions on the image can only apply the music and associative abilities of your man.

Feel shoes on high, but stable heels or platform

Feel shoes on high, but stable heels or platform

Step Three: Pick clothes

It is not necessary to sew or buy a suit, sufficient one or two bright details, obviously hinting on the essence of the image that will increase sexuality. They can even be a bit ironic, cute-fun, but in no case are not funny. As a rule, in such numbers, shoes are used on high (while sustainable) heels and / or platform. Almost all types of costumes are suitable for half mask and long, to elbow, gloves.

Step Four: Assistant Accessory

Good in dance to use some kind of object, beating or used for movements. It can be a regular chair, cane, an umbrella cane, a ribbon or whip. It is clear that such an object must also correspond to the image and strengthen it.

When all the preparation is behind, you need to start working on the dance yourself, and I will give a few tips, illustrating their photos. Reheat recommend in front of the mirror and remove the process to video to see yourself from the side and do work on errors. On the day "X" arrange a romantic dinner at home, warning the beloved in advance that a surprise awaits him at home. Dinner from his favorite dishes, music, wine. And as a cherry on the cake, before dessert - dance. Before the dessert, in this case, it will not happen, so it can be left for breakfast!


As an "helper" in dance, use a steady chair

Take a steady chair! In no case should not swing. Each movement makes the most accurately, as even the most stable chair can disaggeted

- You can stand on a kneel chair: From this position, make a "kitty" forward, putting hands on the floor, turn the hips. Also in this position you can remove and play, for example, with gloves

- Sit on the chair sideways, put your hands on the floor behind the chair and make smooth movements on the type "bike": bend and straighten your feet in turn. The main thing is to do it playfully. If it allows stretching, one leg can be handed over and tighten to the body to get almost twine. Such a deflection on the chair may seem difficult, but in fact it does not need a stretch or flexibility. The main thing is not to sit on the edge of the chair so that he does not turn over.

This pose only seems difficult

This pose only seems difficult

"Sit on a chair and spread my legs as widely as possible, you can do it sharply - to the music accent, or slowly - in turn, withdrawing every leg. In this position, first shake the body from the side to the side, after - leaving your hands on the knees, make the tricks of the torso. Now put yourself one hand! Exactly the same elements can be done, turning to the man's back - it will look completely different, but no less interesting.

- Put the knee of one foot on the chair, the second - straight - take away to the side, lean forward and spend your hand or by the details with which you dance, on the leg.

The dance does not necessarily not be inserted acrobatic movements, especially if you are not sure that they will be easily. In fact, the other is important: confidence in movements, eyes, smooth and logical transitions (I do not advise improvise, better from the beginning and until the very end to work out every movement), the allocation of musical accents and of course, your sexual energy. "

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