Do not change the health for smoothness: the side effects of the intimate zone depilation


Plan for the first time to make the bikini bikini zone with wax or sugar and are afraid of pain? Or maybe you are no longer a beginner in this business and are familiar with irritation after the procedure? In any case, it is important to know what to do if you suddenly overtake unpleasant consequences of depilation. These include rustling of hair, inflammation of the hair follicle, clogging of the sebaceous glands and all of the above.

Skin inflammation usually quickly

With the first point of matter, as a rule, it is lack of. If depilation was conducted by a professional on high-quality materials, irritation and itchy pass 2-3 hours after the procedure. However, sometimes the Reds is preserved longer - in this case, invalid ointments and sprays with panthenol will come to the rescue, as well as equipment with sea buckthorn butter and calendula. Pantheonol moisturizes the skin and keeps water, and oils accelerate cell regeneration and remove inflammation.

Make a choice in favor of electroepilation or laser - these hair removal methods in the bikini zone minimize hair risk

Make a choice in favor of electroepilation or laser - these hair removal methods in the bikini zone minimize hair risk


Shining hairs

Ingrown hair is a common consequence of depilation. During hair removal, sugar or wax hair follicle is injured by pulling out the rod along with the root. If the composition did not capture the hairs completely, it can break down, and after start growing as before. Often, increasing hair in the bikini zone provokes inflammation and formation of a furuncle - in severe cases it is necessary to contact the surgeon. It is not necessary to engage in self-medication, consult a doctor as soon as possible - you can first go to the dermatologist, which will treat the zone with an antibacterial agent, reveals the follicle and remove the hair with a tweezers.

Contrary to myths, regular leather tackling and the use of moisturizing creams is not a panacea from ingrown hair. Often, the escape only aggravates the rustling of the hair, as it provokes a protective reaction of the skin - thickening of the horn layer (hyperkeratosis), which further complicates hair germination. If you regularly rotate the hair in the bikini zone - select another way of hair removal: for example, electroepilation or laser.

The skin reacts to infection

The inflammation of the hair follicle after depilation occurs due to falling into the mouth of the hair follicle of infection having fungal, microbial or viral origin. The infection can be applied as a master who performs depilation and you yourself, incorrectly causing the skin in the first day after the procedure. In this situation, redness and swelling in the region of the hair follicle appears, in the center of which is the hair itself, and the purulent yellow mass is formed around it. As a rule, treatment consists of applying antibacterial ointments. However, in the started case, antibiotics appointed by the doctor are required.

The prevention of inflammation of the hair follicle is correct hygiene and the use of antiseptics after depilation, as well as in maintaining the general immunity of the body (sports, eliminate the deficit of trace elements).

Do not forget about the right hygiene of the bikini zone after depilation

Do not forget about the right hygiene of the bikini zone after depilation


Education capsules in a hair follicle

The most unpleasant negative consequence of depilation is the blockage of a rowing gland. This leads to the formation of atheroma - purulent cyst under the surface of the skin. The ducting gland is filled with a mass of cottage consistency (accumulation of sealer seals) - a pus capsule is formed. Such a neoplasm of the skin does not go by itself: atheroma must be removed in the doctor of the Dermatologist or Surgeon.

In rare cases, atters are reborn into malignant tumors. Therefore, if you are discovered in the thickness of the skin, in the bikini zone, a small movable capsule that does not pass for a long time, be sure to consult a doctor. In no case, do not attempt to remove the capsule on your own - it is fraught with blood infection.

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