How many steps need to go for a day


The golden rule of slimming says: eat smaller, and move more. Today, new-fashioned gadgets help to track the daily level of activity. In almost every smartphone, a pedometer is installed as a standard application. He asks us the goal to pass 10 thousand steps, and we are struggling to achieve it. True, with a sitting lifestyle, it is not so easy - the distance from work to the house may not be long enough. But do not forget that 10,000 steps are averaged value that can vary depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the goals and lifestyle of a person.

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Why so much?

The established norm, to which we are so strive, is approximately 7-8 kilometers (it depends on the speed and length of the step). There is no medical rationale for this number of steps. For the first time, the recommendation to pass 10,000 steps appeared in the 60s in Japan, when the first pedometer arrived on sale. He was called - "Pedometer 10,000 steps". However, the lifestyle of the Japanese who lived over half a century ago, was very different from the modern. They consumed less calories and less often drove on cars. Scientists say that today the specified rule is aimed at not so much on improving health, how much to motivate people to take at least 5,000 steps per day.

Is it worth spending time at this time?

Definitely yes. Regular walking promotes weight reduction, reduce the risk of intestinal cancer, have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. In addition, physical exertion is necessary for assimilating useful elements by the body.

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Scandinavian walking is useful for people aged


Calculate exclusively on the recommended norm is not worth it, because when disregarded by other factors (for example, power control) improve health and lose weight. In other words, it's good if you pass 10,000 steps a day, but if you eat Burgers in 500 calories, the health problems will not be avoided.

Doctors recommend moving as much as possible. But nothing terrible is that you do not have time to get the recommended rate for the day, no. The main thing is that you strive for this. And if you follow the nutrition and make simple exercise, your well-being will improve significantly. Professor of the American Center for Biomedicine Studies Pennington Catherine Tord Lock Formulated Simple Rule: "Try to move more than usual, and follow this principle constantly."

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