The three-month Son of Presnyakov appeared girlfriend


Another photo of a three-month Artem appeared in "Instagram" Natalia Podolskaya. Two kids are captured on it. One of them lies on a children's rug, the second is near. "Acquaintance with girlfriend! As a result, Töm still lost his lady a rug "(hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors were preserved, - approx. Womanhit), - signed the photo Natalia.

Three-month Artem has already appeared a girlfriend. Photo:

Three-month Artem has already appeared a girlfriend. Photo:

Fans, of course, immediately began to touch this picture. Well, some recognized that the boy is growing a real gentleman. "The lady is needed to give up ...", "a real man)))", "Gentleman is growing," the fans concluded.

Recall that Natalia Podolskaya gave birth to a son in the famous hospital near Moscow, where children are regularly appearing on the light. Pope Vladimir Presnyakov attended childbirth. After a month and a half, the married couple baptized the child. And now Vladimir and Natalia arrange a photo shoot boy and tell how their star life has changed.

"Weekday mom. This is still the day and you need to leave the hairdresser. Do not dick go? You took care of one feed, and then it is necessary to be like a bayonet !!! And now you are in the car, your hands are shaking, just to have time! Not to mention the fact that in this state you can not get behind the wheel! Hysterically rushing home, and your angel sleeps ... And you breathe you breathe and fall next to ... And you think what a well done you are, everything has time !!! Also and walked the long-awaited outfit, because after giving birth so I want! " - wrote recently Podolskaya in his microblog.

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