Nikolay Baskov: "Parents have long concluded that I am growing very in love"


- Nikolay, in your opinion, talk about love difficult?

- When a person is really in love, he does not weigh the words, and everything goes from the heart, on an emotional impulse. If it is sincere feeling, then it's very simple to talk about love.

- Do you remember when I first uttered the word "love"?

- Yes I remember. I first admitted to love when we lived in Novosibirsk, where the father served. This happened in the fifth grade. My first love is Tanya Bulgakov. I then began to behave differently: every day I checked how my school uniform looks like, I stroked the pioneer tie, accompanied Tanya to school and home, straightened the teacher to plant us together. I began to behave better and learn better. Later, Mom told me that they were discussing with the Father, what the women are affected by me. And they concluded that I am growing very in love. So it turned out. (Smiles.)

Nikolay Baskov:

"Love is not a word" - the first black and white clip of Nikolai Baskov. .

- You first decided to remove the clip in the black and white version ...

- I dreamed about this twenty years! This year I have twenty years of creative activity: there is a workbook, and the experience comes from 1995. And all these years I could not remove the black and white video: the song to this did not have it, then the other idea was, then juicy paints were required. And here, surprisingly, everything has grown up: and my dream, and the desire to change the haircut, and the frank image of my actress girl. And at the model Ksenia Yakubovskaya, the ideal figure, such units. She has such a beautiful body that he wanted to show. For the clip "Love - not the words" we chose the style of advertising known perfume brands. After all, Mikhail Gutserieva verses are a lyrics. The result was a stylish brutal story on a lyric theme. And I can say that this is the most amazing clip in my story. We prepared for shooting for three days, and removed the day.

- Black and white video orders immediately sees the memories of Soviet films about love ...

- For my previous video for the song "Cherry Love", a very famous St. Petersburg director Oleg Gusev used frames of Soviet films, including a wonderful picture of "Three Poplas on Plutch". It will still work for a very long time. Because it is nostalgia for a large segment of time, the history of our country, great actors. Today, this is not removed.

- Do you have a favorite movie about love?

- "Fanfan Tulip." Gina Lollobrigid - the first actress, in which I fell in love. She was my ideal, idol. The beauty of this woman me, boy, struck out. It was because of her I watched the film once 150.

New video Baskov was filmed against the background of the capital skyscrapers. .

New video Baskov was filmed against the background of the capital skyscrapers. .

- Why did you decide to shoot a clip among the metropolitan skyscrapers?

- We needed a stylish picture and a modern architectural landscape. The most difficult moment was that we shot down a few scenes on the roof. They worked about five hours, at the heat itself. The thermometer showed plus 37. I transferred normally. There was a problem with Ksenia, because, on the idea of ​​directories and stylists, her heroine was dressed in the skin. She had leather high shoes and leather jacket. And you need to pay tribute, Ksenia did not complain.

- Did you participate in the casting of girls on the role of your muse?

- As such as casting was not. I am friends with the family of Yakubovsky, and I have long had an idea to remove Ksenia in my video. But it did not work. And then she flew on a day from abroad for the sake of filming.

Nikolay Baskov:

The partner of Nikolai Basque for the shooting was the model of Ksenia Yakubovskaya. "She has such a beautiful body that he wanted to show," says the singer. .

- Nikolai, can you describe the image of an ideal woman for you?

- In different periods of life, it is different. There is a theory that we fall in love with those who already exist in our thoughts. As far as this is true, I can not say. But still, the ideal of a woman for me is my mom, and the ideal of relationship is the model of the family of my parents. They are together for more than forty years. And when they go to a romantic journey, I understand what great happiness is to find a woman with whom you want romance, living so much time together. My father is an incredibly happy man. Fate gave him a woman with his life. After all, a woman is both male luck, and health, and lifting on the service staircase, and a globility, and a psychological state. I am sure that the woman makes a man. That every great man is worth no less great and in love. It seems to me that a model of relationship is looking for each.

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