5 pairs of products that are incompatible with each other


There is a certain amount of products that can even combine even the child. For example, foam drinks with sour cream - the effect such a dish can cause very unexpected. But there are food kits to which we are accustomed from childhood and consider this set quite suitable in food, although it is not.

Buckwheat with milk

Which of us in the young years moms and grandmothers did not feed the buckwheat porridge, filled with milk? The dish is not very tasty, but useful: in the cereal contains iron, in the milk - calcium. However, these trace elements do not absorb each other, as a result, the body does not receive any other.

Buckwheat is useful without milk

Buckwheat is useful without milk


Cucumbers and tomatoes

Salads from these vegetables are popular at any time of the year. But it turns out, cucumbers and tomatoes can not be mixed together, since it disrupts the biochemical reactions of the body. It appears extra salts that cause swelling. But vitamins are absorbed by just a few percent.

Cucumbers and tomatoes

Cucumbers and tomatoes "do not live" together


Potato with meat

Potatoes - a familiar side dish for meat dishes, but such a combination is very hard for the body. The fact is that the protein requires an acidic medium for digestion, starch is alkaline. Together, these products remain in the stomach for a long time and can cause heartburn, belching, gases and other digestive disorders.

Potatoes with Meat - Heavy Food

Potatoes with Meat - Heavy Food


Coffee and cheese sandwich

For many, this is a traditional breakfast, and in vain. In such a combination, cheese loses all its useful properties, namely calcium. It is born to absorb simple carbohydrates, which are rich in bakery products. And coffee and reduces this process to zero.

Bread and cheese do not combine

Bread and cheese do not combine


Bananas with milk

Nutritionists have long argued about this couple. The right to their joint existence defend fans of a healthy lifestyle. However, there is a rule that all sweet fruits are better eating separately because they slow down the digestion, longly absorb and badly coexist with other products. Milk is dangerous to combine with fruit - it can cause diarrhea.

Bananas Take as a snack

Bananas Take as a snack


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