Only calm: Why do you need meditation and yoga


We are all accustomed to carefully care for your body, clean it under the shower or in the bathroom, walk to the bath and in the sauna to get rid of toxins and slags, go to the spa, for massage and make many different "leaving rituals". It's great and nothing bad in taking care of your body and appearance, but why do people forget with the same trepidation to treat hygiene of their inner world? Starting the abundance of food, which many unwrapped themselves in their mouths and stomach, polluting them, causing reinforced mucus formation in the body. And this is only the physical part of the inner world, the part that we can easily touch.

And what to talk about the emotions of a person, his thoughts, the information that he consumes daily in huge quantities, rarely disassembled in how much it is useful or, on the contrary, is a peragland for him. Attention to it draws a very small part of humanity. But in vain.

Think what energy the entire information flow carries in which you live every day. Do you always surround you good news and useful information?

What is "not so" with information?

The news feed is usually shot by loud headlines, the main promise in which - violence, bad events, conflicts, quarrels and negative statements of famous personalities. It is extremely rare in such lists you can find some kind of good or at least neutral news. And even if this appears, it is necessarily trying to somehow turn upside down to pull out and from there the negative. Funny, really?

Why is the media so deliberately allocate a negative component? The answer is very simple and understandable, although it is not obvious to those who have little understandable in the concepts of energy and the vibratory field around each phenomenon, object and even words.

First, information, like any other phenomenon, emits a certain energy.

If briefly:

Negative information is poor energy, low vibrations, exposure to low levels of the human energy matrix.

Positive information - good energy, high vibrations, impact on higher energy centers.

Secondly, deeper and stable vibrations generate exactly low frequencies, that is, vibrations from negative news and information as a whole. To cause more resonance in society, to get a wider and involved audience, news resources are actively using this knowledge.

Thirdly, uncontrolled information flows and their unconscious consumption are very poorly reflected on performance and on concentration of attention. A person loses the ability to focus on a specific task, its productivity is reduced, it becomes less effective, less organized. And the brain, realizing that the tasks set are not solved, or are solved, but poorly, it begins to transform this stress into anxiety. As a result, a closed circle is obtained - nervousness does not contribute to performance, but only strengthens the passion, the person is even more dipped into stress, the concentration disappears completely, and the information background only aggravates the situation.

In this case, the only correct solution to break the circle is for several days to arrange an information detox and regain the state of calm.

How to break this vicious circle?

It is best to help meditating and yoga.

Meditation makes it possible to "stop mind" from constant chase, structuring thoughts (when a person is able to allocate one of them, determine its importance and come to its permission).

This happens due to the fact that during meditation, a person ceases to identify himself with his thoughts and emotions. He becomes an observer and just looks at their stream from the side.

And yoga (if it is perceived as spiritual practice, and not as fitness) helps find the balance and return the ability to focus.

In addition, if we are talking about mind hygiene, then with the help of information detoxing you can significantly improve your mental health. Try to take a rule to disconnect all the gadgets for several hours before bedtime daily, and at the end of the week and all the day of the informational recreation at all. Cut this time without being distracted by news, on ads and notifications in applications. You will notice that even in a short period of time, you can enter the resource, simply limiting the amount of information coming to you.

Also try in general less attention and time to pay news ribbons. Whether it is an evening news release on TV or news site - Do not stay on these resources, do not inspect, do not waste vital energy that carries destructive moods.

Over time, you will have a desire to constantly "scroll" news resources by subtracting more and more new details of some unpleasant events occurring in the world. And you will notice how anxiety decreased, you have become more filled and harmonious.

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