Evgenia BRIC: "Our daughter already take autographs"


Recently, Evgenia BRIC accounted for a lot of traveling: Moscow-Los Angeles-New York. In such movements, all year passed, nevertheless, the actress had time to play in several significant and bright projects. Eugene once came to this profession, contrary to the desire of his father, who tried to protect her from possible disappointments. And now, our heroine itself is experiencing such feelings: after all, her daughter, Zoya Todorovskaya, played a role in the cult series in America and has already become popular there. About thorn and stars, testing with glory and maternal happiness - in an interview.

- Eugene, you said that the career was never in the first place for you, but judging by the number of interesting premieres "Ozodzinsky," Optimists "," Adaptation ", you seemed to have a second breathing.

- I am very glad that these works happened in my life. The rarity in our profession, when you get the role that dreamed of. Last year, I had three projects in parallel: "Optimists", "Adaptation" and "Garden Ring", which has not yet entered the screens. This is such a family saga with pop-up "skeletons in the closet." Very strong scenario and director - Alexey Smirnov, beautiful partners - with Masha Mironova we play sisters, Anatoly White plays her husband, and Irina Rosanova is our mother. I was embodied on what was dreaming about. But this does not mean that something has changed in my globility: "I have been thirty-five, I will care more." No, just so coincided. Also, Zoehka was filmed in New York on the Netflix channel in the OA series. No one planned this either, I saw my English agent, we made samples, we were approved - and that's it. And Valera at that time ended the film "Big". (Husband Actress, Director Valery Todorovsky. - Approx. Aut.) That is, we were such a family in different parts of the world, fully loaded by your favorite work. From which, of course, on the one hand, they felt euphoria and happiness, and on the other hand it was necessary in separation. But it seems to me that I have more energy when I work than when there is a lot of free time. Now I am re-entering this labor rut, there will be several projects, but fortunately, not parallel, but stretched in time. Many of my colleagues are constantly removed, I still have breaks for two or three months. I am in Los Angeles with a husky and dedicate time to her, engaged in her dancing, music, gymnastics, and now, after filming for Netflix, and its samples. Life at the daughter has become much richer and brighter.

Cloak, Daniil Antsiferov; Decorations, Ko Jewelry

Cloak, Daniil Antsiferov; Decorations, Ko Jewelry

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- And Zoya is already burning by this?

- Thank God, she is calm and does not yet declare: "Mom, lead me to the samples!" "But I see that this narcotic feeling from the acting profession has already darked into it." When I flew to her on shooting in New York last year, I saw that, being on the playground, my daughter enjoys. They are all very strict in terms of legislation: more than six hours a child should not be removed. And Zoe did not want to leave. I say: "Daughter, you will have a dubler girl, she will do everything. It is not even visible to it. " - "No, no doubles, I want." I remember, I sent her photos Jennifer Lopez with a double, Angelina Jolie with a double, ourselves in the "Dark World" - I also had a double in the scenes where the fights were filmed. "You see, even the stars do that." (Smiles.) Valera was shocked: "What do you want to make actress from our daughter?"

- Now you are both in Moscow?

- Yes, maybe Zoe will even go to school here in the first class. She will have the present first of September. The daughter never studied in the Russian school, but it seems to me that it is a great happiness - try, like here and there. She is completely not looping that in the American school she had girlfriends. The system is built so that the class changes every year - this is done so that children are not getting used to each other and teachers. And the teachers could not put stigma on the child: this twirl, this one is late, and that bully. The student can always rehabilitate himself in another class.

- You spoke, the elementary school in America is weaker?

"I would say that a learning process was built differently. Teaching is relaxed, so I was all the time feared that the teachers are missing something. But, on the other hand, there are so many Nobel laureates in this country, such prestigious universities - somehow these children come there. Therefore, probably, you need to stop worrying. Kids are simply a calmer childhood: if our primary classes program is designed for three years, then there are five. Teachers do not load students with a homework, mostly all the work they are performed in the classroom, so the children really want to go to school. For Zoe tragedy, if she misses occupations. I don't remember this to myself.

Jacket, Valentin Yudashkin; Choker, Ko Jewelry; Shoes, Stuart Weitzman

Jacket, Valentin Yudashkin; Choker, Ko Jewelry; Shoes, Stuart Weitzman

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Why does Valery object to the filming of Zoe? Are you afraid of the example of Hollywood children who are early become stars?

- This is a very difficult profession, many factors affect whether a role will receive a role or not. Not every psyche, especially children, can cope with it. Until the latter, I did not believe that Zoe would be approved. Thank God that the daughter did not see the crowd of children who were tried in this series, four hundred and more people. We all passed remotely - they took a video with her and sent to the casting director. And this is just a miracle that they were invited to her. But here much coincided: Zoe says in Russian, and in English - what was required by the scenario, it looks like the main character that he plays in childhood. Casting-director of this film is a very famous person, she opened the Fanning Dakota, Hayley Joel Oswet is that the guy, which was playing Cool from the picture "Sixth Sensitude". He was a real star, and now absolutely not in demand. And Zoya worries it, she asked: "Why did he stop shooting him?" I explain that there may be many reasons. Perhaps this boy himself decided to choose another profession. We try to communicate with an adult cheese, without Sysyukanya. She was often at Valera's playground, with me on the set. I think she has psychological protection, but anything can happen. I also felt more responsible with Valera. After all, this is a daughter for us - the most talented and beautiful, and suddenly she had something wrong? I worried that Zoe would have the feeling that she disappointed someone, led. And then we arrived at the premiere. Now often do it: they show the first two series on the big screen. I sat next to the roy and experienced such an excitement, and even once on my own, nor even on Valery premieres. It was an extraordinary feeling of pride and joy for her child! I could not hold back tears. And Zoya asked: "Mommy, why are you crying? Did you not like it?" I said: "You will understand when you yourself will have children." I was amazed how well she coped with such a difficult role. The daughter passed the entire tragedy of this story: the heroine dies their parents, and she herself can be alive. Then she bothers, but she opens superpowers. In general, it is a very worthy job. All friends who saw the series were delighted. Many famous producers called Valera: "We look at the series OA and see in the credits: Zoya Todorovskaya. This is your daughter?! What a great man! " It was very nice to hear such reviews.

But then it is very difficult to build plans, how to develop her career. In the acting profession, everything is unpredictable, this is a lottery. There is one good English expression. If we translate into Russian, it sounds like this: "I will give a wall of spaghetti on the wall and see what sticks out." You can come to Hollywood tomorrow and at the thirty five years to get to the rating project, and you can walk through the castings all your life and not get your chance. Yes, and we went to the sample to James Cameron to Avatar. When I arrived in his office, my knees trembled. In the same place, posters are hanging on the walls with his films, which I grew up: "Titanic", "Terminator". I tried that my daughter did not pass my excitement and she felt confident. In general, I really do not want Zoya to become a girl actress, which beats the role. Sits on these castings and evaluates which of the rivals as it looks like and what the chances of her.

- Do you think this can happen? Despite the fact that Zoe is such a born child, in my opinion, it is quite adequate.

- Yes, tell me - spoiled. (Laughs.) Of course, it is adequate, but as if we tried to correctly orient it to correctly, this can happen. We saw what mom's sites are sitting ones. They are ready for everything, if only their child took into the project. Remember the movie with Sasha Baron Cohen, where does he play casting director? He invited real mothers with children to samples, it was all filmed a hidden camera. And here he says: "To get a role, you need to lose weight for fifteen kilograms," my mother answers: "Good." "He will play the Jew who has captured, we will burn it in the oven." And the American mother again does not ask questions, is it not dangerous, only shines with eyelashes: "OK!" Imagine, they are really ready for similar experiments on their children! Such despair causes only endless unsuccessful walking through the castings. And this is real madness. I am very grateful and fate and your English agent for threw us such an interesting offer. This is a good start, let's see what will happen next. Zoe from Peter Efimovich is an absolute musical hearing, and I understand that this is also not so easy to reset. She plays the piano, engaged in dancing, wants to walk on the vocals. Who knows what profession will she choose? Maybe there will be a conductor. I will never ban anything to her. Including if she wants to become an actress, although I know all the pros and cons of this profession.

Jumpsuit, Boudoir by Alina Ilina; jewelry, ko jewelry; Veil, Yakubowitch.

Jumpsuit, Boudoir by Alina Ilina; jewelry, ko jewelry; Veil, Yakubowitch.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Grandma, probably, happy ...

"Yes, my mother basically was with a zoya on the set, all five months." Moreover, representatives of the TV channel took Zoe from Los Angeles to New York in the first class. I flew with her once and felt my mother's mom. (Laughs.) The daughter is already recognized in America! The series turned out to be very successful and deep. Moreover, the actress, who was filmed there in the lead role, Brit Marlin, herself wrote a script. After that I revised my views on life. This is what a real creative person means: she does not expect, when she gives a good role in a decent project. Brit is a very beautiful blonde, and before that she was all the time offered to play some frivolous young ladies. I looked at her the film "Arbitration" - Richard Gir also starred there, and then turned attention to her. I was surprised why she was not visible anywhere. But Brit is closely within the framework of such an amplua. And here she took and together with her friend wrote a script. The project has become megapopular! It encouraged me to the idea that I could come up with an interesting story, at least synopsis - and write it with the screamers. Recently, Valera gave me a new computer, and instead of sitting on the Internet, watch the series and drink coffee with croissants, you can do something delomet. There are also beautiful inspirational examples. Matt Damon and Ben Affleck wrote the script of the film "Umnitsa Will Hunting", played the main roles there, and the picture received Oscar. Russian actresses Dasha Charusha and Svetlana Ustinova also invented an exciting story, and Roman Valobuev took the film on it. I respect this approach. Even Valera tells me: "I am always open for suggestions, a good idea is the most valuable."

- Here, maybe you will give my husband an interesting thought.

- I have already shared with him with one idea, and he said that it could be developed into the script. I can write about what is well oriented. If this happens, there will be a story based on personal experience. For three months, I take notes, outline. Let's see what happens.

"I remember, before, communicating with the famous people, familiar Valera, you were even afraid to draw attention to: suddenly think that you need something from them.

- Thank God, I have already turned around. Apparently, it was some kind of youthful behavior of a person grown in those concepts that it was only very indisputable about himself. My dad was absolutely the same. I remember my interviews in which I was justified: they say, I didn't get into the movie in the movie. Even when I was praised, I did not know how to react to compliments and relax. I do not like this line and in Zoe. This modesty is already too much, I think. When people are suitable for an autograph in the street now, she is terribly shy. A woman approached the airport to us, said: "I am a fan of this series, and I can not believe that this girl is now standing in front of me. Can I tell her thanks? " I replied: "Of course, yes." But Zoya from embarrassment hid behind my back. Facebook found me in Facebook, who wrote: "Are you Mom Zoe Todorovskaya? Help get her autograph. "

Evgenia BRIC:

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- That's what it came: Mom Zoe Todorovskaya!

- Yes! She will be recognized in America, and we were in shock! And I always say my daughter: "In the fact that you will praise, there is nothing shameful. It's not just like that, you did your job well, I liked the viewer. " Apparently, this modest assessment of their advantages comes from me, from Valera and from Peter Efimovich, who has always believed that "to be famous ugly." And I tried to behave as much as possible, even when I was driving at the Oscar's award ceremony. By the way, Zoya was very shocked. She knows that Oscar is the highest award of the American Film Academy, always looks at the awards ceremony. And for her it was so surprising and happily see her grandfather with a diploma! This summer she looked at his "military field novel." And I also sat with her next and almost sobbed. Thought: "If he could see her now!" The world of Grigorievna also proud of it. So, continuing this topic, I understand: it is impossible to justify the success all the time. It's pointless. You can't forbid people think what they want. There are my work in the movies who speak for themselves. In general, by your age I have already approached the fact that I am much more interesting to worry about how others perceive me, but about how to be able to correctly distribute time. I am very sorry to realize that the day live without benefit. Now we are in Moscow with a husky, and I really want to show her museums, parks, places where I grew up with pleasant memories connected. Then we will go to St. Petersburg and will enjoy walks and palaces. My daughter and I look like this: she is interested in history, and she will gladly walk and listen to my stories. She will not languish what he wants to play a playground!

- And with Valera, their interests are similar?

- Yes. But, most likely, he does not want to walk around the city for two hours, probably they will go to some museum. We adore hiking with your daughter. In America, we walk six or ten kilometers on foot. This is how the most interesting communication is happening, talking about life. Once a person came to us with a husky, who said: "See the point of the star above us? This is a spacecraft! " It turns out that the telephone can be put in the phone - as soon as the space station appears in your area, an alert comes. Zoya it is so interested! We climbed to the site, learned everything about this station, about what kind of people they work there that they are studying. And it's so cool that everything happens unobtrusively, and not specifically: so, now we will be formed with you. (Laughs.) In general, it is the happiness of my profession that I can, starring in some project, take a pause and spend time with the child. I think, those who work in the office are hard to see their children only in the morning, in the evening and on weekends. We have no restrictions. Sometimes Zoya can go to visit me and go to bed late. And I like that she observes the culture of the two countries.

- I remember you upset that she does not seek Moscow.

- And this all changes every day. Now we are in Moscow, and I see that she already misses American friends, school. But I think that Zoeka is adapted here. I do not ask her questions: where you like it more, because I do not want to put your child in a situation of every second choice. She likes it here, and there - everywhere their pros and cons. Sometimes she is so funny depicts a conversation of an American mother with her daughter. (Laughs.) It is very cool that such a person of the world. Maybe when it grows, she wants to live in Paris? Who knows. I hope that I will have the opportunity to give her better education.

Dress, Valentin Yudashkin Haute Couture; jewelry, ko jewelry; Shoes, Alexander Terekhov

Dress, Valentin Yudashkin Haute Couture; jewelry, ko jewelry; Shoes, Alexander Terekhov

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- How do you think the appearance of children bonds marriage?

- Yes, definitely. With Valera, it happened with Valera (and this is a big plus) that at first we were eater for several years for each other, worked together, traveled together. And it was the feeling that the birth of Zoe is a natural continuation of our love. The daughter miraculously combines the traits of both of us both, and both external and internal. Everyone says that we are similar, but at some moments I directly recognize Valera. Zoya has my emotionality, but at the same time it is much more organized and knows how to gather faster me - like my husband. Daughter, like Valera, also loves when everything goes according to plan. And they are characteristic of spontaneous gusts. And now the main question is: when she's a little brother or sister. I used to think she was specifically shifted to podkold us with Valera on this topic, but it seems she really awaits it. I realize that we have already been tightened with the second child. With you and younger sister Leroy the difference in the age of eleven years.

- Are you close with her?

- For me, there is no one closer to Lera, in every sense it is my most related soul. I don't even need a friend, I can talk to her for any topic. She matured quite early - Mom helped me a lot with a husky, and for some time Lere had to live an independent life. And I can say that in some questions she is wiser and practical me - she is in dad. He, too, was a very sensible person, without any kind of passion and insane emotions. Now Lera helps me a lot, including and sits with a roe when I'm on the set. And it is not in a burden, they like to spend time together. So I realize how lucky me with the assistants. After all, there are people who are forced to leave a child on the nanny, and it is not always possible to find a decent and professional person. We look forward to JOE, when the lera is also born a child, we will nurse him. (Smiles.) But Zoechka says: "I have a little cousin, I want my native." And with Valera, we also wish this. When the second child appears, part of the attention will be given to him. I would not want to be alone alone, under such a terrible care.

- It remains to find the right moment.

- And it will never be it, it cannot be planned. Because this happens this last five years: now I will remove in this film, then Valera will finish his, then ... Endless story - one project is completed, the other begins. And Zoe tells us: "In my class, all girls already have a younger brother or sister." And we understand with Valera that these are informed claims to us. (Laughs.) I myself do not want to be a 45-year-old mom, which will lead the child in the first class. Although in America is a normal phenomenon. I generally like that I spend some time in the States, because there is a little different perception of age. In the thirty-thirty-five years, people are just beginning to think about the family.

In Evgenia: Jumpsuit, Boudoir by Alina Ilina; Decorations, Ko Jewelry on the daughter: Dress, Diesel

In Evgenia: Jumpsuit, Boudoir by Alina Ilina; Decorations, Ko Jewelry on the daughter: Dress, Diesel

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- We also gradually come to this: that in forty years, life just begins.

- Yes, I was filmed with Masha Mironova in the "Garden Ring" and just fell in love with her. Such a young, beautiful woman, and she has such an adult son! This is amazing! They look next to the brother and sister. And Irina Rosanova does not look at her age at all. Very encouraging that such attractive women surround me, who, after forty years, slender, taut, full energies and strength. At the same time, it seems to me, they do not really strain them to keep themselves in shape.

- In Los Angeles, it seems to me, people are clearly divided into two camps: those who are preserved on a healthy lifestyle, and those who do not get out of McDonalds.

- Yes! The area in which we live is close to the ocean, and I have been watching people all the time who are a real example for me. We are still joking with a friend that there were diamonds for girls earlier, and now Yoga-Pents pants are super-tights, in which all the advantages of the figure can be demonstrated. And I admire these ladies, because such forms are the result of a lot of work on yourself. When you see similar bends, tumped up the tummy, you no longer want to eat a piece of carrot cake once again like me. I tend to love stress with something sweet: "Oh, I was so nervous on Casting - I swear myself to the cake." (Smiles.) Girlfriend for thirty-seater gave me a subscription to a fitness room - I don't know if there are such classes in Moscow, I would love to go. In essence, this is a ballet machine - a lot of stretching exercises, press and buttocks. Everything is performed with your weight, you do not need to pull iron that I never liked. So gradually I got involved, although at first I had to make volitional efforts. But when you see the result, it stimulates for further feats. In Los Angeles, there are really two clear camps: those who live closer to the ocean - in Yoga-Pents, with a glass of Fras in his hand, move to another area - and there Mom with folds on the sides feed the child fourth on the Burger's account. Even Zoeka tells me: "See what they bought the baby! Some color sea wave cocktail, potatoes fr. So now I am no longer eating at once half a cake, as before. Daughter stops me. We near the house opened a cooking where delightful cakes are sold. And Zoya said to me strictly: "Mom, we already go there for the fourth day. Let's make a unloading day today. " I agree with her: you need to keep yourself in a reasonable framework. In the second pregnancy, I do not want to score thirty kilograms again, they just do not throw them out.

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