What you need to talk to the child


Some years ago, you just taught the baby to speak, and now your child is able to lead with you not too long, but at least some conversations. At the age of 5-6 years, the child is quite aware of what is happening around and can give its assessment of the situation. No matter how silent the child was not, coming home, he would definitely share with his parents with impressions.

Children's questions

You need to communicate with the child from the earliest age. If at the very beginning of the life path your voice calms the child and gives him a sense of security, then, after some time, it is for your voice, a child will listen. Therefore, do not undermine his trust, because all of you are said drawn up as the last truth. And when the child sets you a question, respond to it as much as possible.

The first thing that the child should learn is, Mom and Dad love him. He must understand that in any situation can count on your help. Cook more often, this is a very important part in his adulthies. When a child understands that he is loved and care about him, he will not be outraged if you forbid him to eat an extra piece of cake, because he will understand that you prohibit not just like that.

Cut the child more time

Cut the child more time

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Tell your child about respect

Your son, or daughter, still from the young age should understand that people around there are borders that cannot be disturbed. This knowledge will help him not make a stupid mistake in adulthood. One of the main tasks of the parent - to teach a child to interact with the world so that neither one or the other side has no problems in communications. And for this you need to explain to the child.

Talk about what you do not like in his behavior

The child will not be able to understand himself, which is right, and what is not, if you give him the opportunity to get to the answer. If the child insults you or even beats, let me understand that it is impossible to do so, but in no case use force - learn to interact with the child by reasoning.

The child must understand that there are prohibitions in the world, and the surrounding will not constantly fulfill his desires.

Interested in his hobbies

Interested in his hobbies

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Tell me about yourself

Many children are interested in what their parents are engaged, and adults are in a hurry to change the subject, because they think that the child will be difficult to understand. In this case, explain the baby more intelligibly, how and where you work, if you are a doctor, tell me that help adults and children when they hurt, it is not necessary to go into the details of your work duties.

Tell us about your hobbies, if possible, show him or take with you. Children are constantly learning the world and take an example with adults, so become the adults who would not be ashamed to equal to your child, so it is so important to show that you are a versatile person who knows a lot of interesting things.

Teach the child to respect other borders

Teach the child to respect other borders

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Of course, do not forget to be interested in the hobbies of the child. Many parents do not understand or do not want to understand the inner world of the kid, because they consider it something non-serious. It is important to understand that for the child these simple things mean almost everything, so try to understand what is happening in His world, the child should not feel your alpracity.

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