Tatyana Lazareva: "My heroine has three children. I think this is a sign "


"Mikhail, Tatiana, tell me how did you get into this musical?"

Tatiana: - We have long been friends with the producer Dmitry Bogachev. And all the time he is jokingly saying that I really want to participate in the musicals. At one time I was tried on Mom Morton in Chicago. Then they searched for the actor on the role of lawyer Billy Flynna. And I reminded that there is Michael! But at that time we did not work out. Fortunately, Dmitry Albertovich still remembered our existence and invited us to participate in a new project.

Michael: - I was also offered even two roles with combination. But I stopped at one. I will play director of liva dexter. I liked him with my charisma. Although the action takes place in the 30s of the last century, this type remained absolutely alive: the filmmakers have changed little since then. I watched them many times and with pleasure I will share my observations with the audience.

Tatyana: - And I have two roles. The main - radio host and secular partner Dara Bailey, and the role of the teacher on stage speech for actors who are moving from a silent movie to the speaker. It is short, but quite complicated, because it should be bright. It is important for me not to replay, but to do everything for sure. I really have never happened. We'll see. (Laughs.)

- Tell us about the characters of your heroes. How close are you?

Mikhail: - My hero is such a fascinated fan of his business, a professional. He is a despot on the playground, and there are such people in life. At the same time, he is comic, not evil. Such a funny dude. (Smiles.)

Tatyana: - My heroine has three children. I think this is a sign. I also have three too. She is not a little woman. Such like me. (Laughs.) In general, there is such a type of people who really want to be on stage. So that they are all admired, but fate does not give them a chance. Therefore, they love parties very much, light soffits, journalists, attention. She really likes that there is a star around her, although she herself does not represent anything to themselves.

- As far as I know, Mikhail has this first experience in musicals ...

Tatyana: - Mikhail is the first, and I played in the children's musical "toothy nanny" goat. And even sang and danced there. And now we ask: "How, are you in the musical? Will you sing and dance? " No, here we will not sing and dance. But maybe this is not the last of our musical? We are still singing.

Michael: - Actually, we have dances in the final. Under the rain, with umbrellas. All as it should be. Although it is not easy, but we try.

- And with what difficulties still have to come across?

Mikhail: - The process is not very difficult, but interesting. Now the technical runs go. A lot of services connected, for which it is important to connect everything to a millimeter. Therefore, rehearsals are long, slow, step-by-step. As for acting rehearsals, it is interesting to interact with partners, with a director. The director is a foreigner, by the way.

Tatyana: - And for me, it is still a difficulty to learn the text. I got used to my television life where you never repeat the text twice. There you do not learn him, this is a completely different approach to the profession. And now I can only get the text that, in fact, I do. At the same time, if someone during the performance somehow fails to behave, my text can fly completely. (Laughs.)

"Tatiana, you somehow told that when you come to New York, run immediately to Broadway. And take a spouse with you?

- Yes, I take with myself a bag, spouse and telephone. (Laughs.) The spouse also loves musicals, and when the children have grown, gladly began to walk all together on them. Girls really like. We have long followed the musicals on Broadway, and for me it is a very interesting genre. I always thought that this was probably the genre in which I dreamed of working if you could return something back.

"Tatiana, you have three children - nine-year-old Antonina, Sixteen-year-old Sophia and a twenty-year-old Stepan." Does any of them plan to go on your footsteps?

- Oh, I have so much stop ... and humorous programs, and musicals, and I do charity. But I'm not going to determine children somewhere. Every person has their own way, and he must find it himself. And the recommendations of the parents are usually only a bear service. Although his older son Stepan, I recommended you to work as an administrator on a television platform. He was engaged in this during the year, he was wondering, he worked fine, the fool did not plunder. In general, children are now fond of the Internet. And to distract them from this is a very difficult task. Even unbearable. Of course, we are trying, saying: Come on, try it or then ... Tosya, who is 9 years old, still listens to us. But when children are 16 and even more than 20 years old, you can not impose anything.

- Do you have disagreements with Mikhail in the views on raising children?

- We can't decide which of us strict. If someone is strict, then the second takes the other side and begins to protect the child. In this, probably, there is even an interest in children: to whom to run behind the mind. (Laughs.)

- Can you call yourself lucky who know how to relax correctly?

Tatiana: - For us, as for many others, the best holiday is departure from this energetically tense city. But it does not always work. Therefore, we try to recover at home. When I am very tired, just lying and looking through the news on social networks either, if enough forces, I read the book.

Michael: - We are all loved to travel and if you are leaving, we do it with pleasure. We like to change the places. For example, I was recently in Mongolia. Traveled for two weeks, pretty hard, on camels, on foot. As for family trips, we try to combine relaxation and active program - trips to interesting places and so on. And I always exhaust time for sports. It helps to relax. There may be classes in the hall or just football.

- Tatiana, do you like Mikhail's hobbies?

- View football, Facebook, game "Fighting minds" - In general, everything that Mikhail is engaged in in addition to the family, I'm terribly annoying. Often Michael in it hangs, as a man is thorough, very seriously and for a long time.

- But you are still together ...

Tatyana: - In relations, the main thing - when there are some common hobbies uniting the family. The more such cases and to the conversation, starting with the upbringing of children, ending with joint working projects, the stronger and harmonious union.

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