Childfree: Why do they refuse children?


The term schildfree appeared in the seventies of the last century. He was introduced to the everyday national organization of the United States. The Rodonarchists of this movement are Americans Ellen Pek and Shirley Radl. They formulated their slogan simple and understandable with all words: "Most recently, a thirty-year-old woman who does not have children perceived as defective. The justification of her childlessness, people considered poor health, unconventional sexual orientation, mental illness, alcohol or drug abuse. It never occurred to anyone that a woman does not have children for one simple reason - she has no desire! " And although it is quite soon this organization ruled (somehow with finances in Childfrey turned out to be completely tight), the beginning was laid ...

Today in the states of more than forty organizations uniting childfries. All in the same America, as well as in Sweden and Australia, there are even political parties, whose members are not just passively refused to continue the genus, but also put forward a number of requirements - for example, cancel social and tax privileges for fellow citizens, which have children. And somehow it turns out. All over the world, the network of restaurants, cinemas, sports clubs and hotels, where the entrance "to sixteen" is prohibited. Moreover, in many places, children equated to dogs. So, on the buildings of some apartments or hotels is written directly: "No Kids, No Pets". In a number of museums, a special clock was introduced when in the desert halls you will not meet any individuals of school and preschool age. Why, even the flights and railway cars "adults only" appeared!

Surprisingly, Childfries have even her cyber church of Jesus Christ Church Church (The Cyber-Church of Jesus Christ Childfree), which chose the slogan: "Jesus loved children, but chose not to have them. And this is good news! " And let the adepts of this church can be counted on the fingers, but they have developed a fairly active activity, promoting a childless life for all social networks.

Not so long ago, the movement of the Chayldfrey and to Russia. Our "childlessness" has its own Internet portal, which has several thousand participants. Periodically, they carry out "away sessions", and many people find their second half on such gatherings. By the way, it is very convenient: such couples may not doubt that at least in one fundamental question their views completely coincide!

To some extent this movement is a kind of protest act. After all, since childhood, all girls prepare for the fact that they should become mothers, and the lack of a child in thirty years is perceived as a sign of physical inferiority. Of course, people who deliberately refused the joy of motherhood (paternity) existed at all times. But only now they can alleviate: a family without heirs is not a mistake of nature, but a full-fledged cell of society. And at the same time not to fear that they will be found on them as crazy. So, what arguments in favor of indigestion make children?

Kim Catherol does not accept any obligations. Photo: Rex Features /

Kim Catherol does not accept any obligations. Photo: Rex Features /

1. Overcrowding planet.

If you look at the actions of Childfries with a slightly different side, it turns out that they even make a good deed. And what do you want: the planet threatens overpopulation, fruit further - it means to create a threat to all mankind.

2. Give life to another creature is a conscious evil.

What is happening today around us is actually far from the ideal. Mankind with seven-year steps moves to a catastrophe. It doesn't matter what number is appointed end of the world (December 2012 or January 2022). One thing is clear: sooner or later there will be a global tragedy, whether it is an atomic war or just an environmental disaster of a worldwide scale. In this situation, the unwillingness to have children should be perceived as a thoughtful and mature act.

3. Children interfere with enjoy life.

Yes, Childfries are complete egoists. Therefore, it is not clear to them, why give all the best children, if you can enjoy life on a full coil. Why all these sleepless nights, waste of huge tools and time without the slightest hope that your moral, spiritual and financial investments will once come back with a hundredfold!

4. They just do not like children.

Little men are shouting around the clock. They are pretty spoiling life around others, but it was even recent about it to be prompted. But if you, for example, rushed a neighboring dog, smearing all the clothes with mud, you can at least call for the answer to his owner. But the child who threw the pebbles in you, for some reason he should only digest with a smile. Injustiness is somehow! By the way, do not confuse Chayldfrey with Childheit (detonate). No, true Childfries calmly refers to other people's children. He just does not want to nurse with his offspring and show condescension to some very unpleasant shadows of small hooligans.

5. Lack of maternal instinct.

According to scientists, six-seven percent of women completely absent maternal instinct. Even if these ladies are sewn, this fact does not affect their attitude towards their own children: they are simply indifferent to them! Representatives of strong sex such a percentage is several times higher. So think whether there is a sense to continue their genus like people, because their children, deprived of love and caress, will grow up derived!

Observe the entire list!

For the movement of the Childfrey in recent years, more and more celebrities are adjacent. Many stars stopped inventing sly explanations for their mindlessness. They honestly admit why for them the continuation of the kind - the occupation is meaningless. Most often, the root cause must be sought in gentle age.

The most vivid example is the favorite of the whole of America TV presenter Oprah Winfrey. So who had a difficult childhood! A little baby mother gave her to her upbringing grandmother, in rural wilderness. She, maybe, in his own way, loved his granddaughter, but with every provinity (and that was considered not even washing in time) quit her rods. Later, the mother took her daughter to her. But the oblast was hoping for the best. It was then that the life of the future television star turned into a real hell. To her, nine-year-old girl, all - and brothers, and native uncle, and their numerous friendships. The result: At the age of fourteen, Opraz became pregnant and gave birth to a child. Because the baby was born prematurely, he died shortly after birth. And it was then that Winfri gave itself a promise to never have children. And I kept my word: "When I was small, no one cares about me, so I don't know how it."

Children lead a TV presenter in real horror. Somehow Oprah told about the only case when she spent the whole day in the company. "Once I needed to look after the four-year-old baby. I was so tired that I felt real happiness when his mom returned. It was then that I realized that my choice was not to have children - was absolutely faithful. "

Oscar-"Actress-intellectual, Helen Mirren, too, survived the strongest injury as a child. No, her parents were not tormented and native uncle did not have anyway. In her reluctance to have children are guilty ... School teacher. "So far in the smallest details I remember how at school we were collected in the shabby foyer, explaining that now we will look at the cognitive film. When he was included, we saw a woman writhing from pain, but as soon as it was over, the teacher said that the birth of a child was the most beautiful thing in the world. Honestly, I was shocked and shocked. Since then, the thought of children is disgusting to me. "

The star of the film "Diary Bridget Jones" and "Chicago" Rene Zellweger did not survive any injury in childhood. However, she does not eat special hatred. Just like love. For one reason: Success in Hollywood was not easy for her. And she does not intend for the sake of the diaper to lose with such a labor conquered place under the sun. "I can confess how to spirit: I never dreamed of motherhood. After all, children are real tyranny. And I'm not going to give up to voluntary slavery. Of course, I can sometimes talk with my nephews, but I always warm my idea that at any moment I can rush these flowers back to their parents. "

With it Solidar and Winon Rider. She is not sure that producers will wait for her return from maternity leave. After all, the "dream factory", despite its romantic name, in fact a soulless conveyor. It is worth a little climb - and hundreds of young and talented actresses will come to your place! "I know what I'm talking about. Even in the film "Black Swan", my heroine - Ballerina Troupes - replaced a younger dancer performed by Natalie Portman. And something like this can happen in real life. "

Kim Kattroll, actress of the cult series "Sex in the Big City", is not afraid for his career. However, the continuation of the genus also refuses. Like her Samantha, Kim loves sensual pleasures and does not accept any obligations. And the children are always self-denial, isn't it? "I have a lot of friends with children, I myself am a good aunt. But when I come back home, I want to rest there, you know? " The actress incredibly nerves the fact that Childfries are perceived as a rogue. "But what is terrible if I want peace? Believe me, I do not regret at all that I did not become my mother. But why because of this fact, should I catch condemning views on yourself? Isn't that discrimination? "

Kim eats her colleague Eva Mendez, who in her thirty-eight also did not know the joy of motherhood. "To be honest, I adore these little shaluns. But even more I love your own comfort and long, long sleep. Who can condemn me for this? "

Cameron Diaz Unlike many other celebrities are not worried about personal problems, but world-class questions. "On earth and so many people. Why increase their number? " However, the star of the film "Mask" is not so categorical in his beliefs. "I do not regain anything from anything. Just at this stage of my life, I feel that demographics issues are too serious. "

There are among celebrities and real originals - those who have their maternal instinct splash on the brothers of our smaller. So, the charming and expressive Frenchwoman Milen Farmer assures that communication with her child replaces her concern for two monkeys who live with her constantly. And she is afraid of children. And it also has children from childhood. When Milen was still a schoolgirl, parents, in order to raise a sense of compassion in it, forced each week to visit the Hashe hospital, where children were treated with autistic. It is not surprising that the thought of heirs never came to the singer.

Star of the film "People of X" Famke Jansen also prefers to take care of animals. "My whole life is spinning around my terrier of Likoris. With his appearance, my existence was filled with meaning. Why do I need a child if my dog ​​replaces the best girlfriend, and family, and children? "

But Jacqueline bissing, which twisted the novels with the first handsome men of world cinema, most likely simply devoid of maternal instinct. "I lived such a life as I wanted. And I do not regret it all that did not give birth to children. I am a truly happy woman! "

Male genus, the only number

George Clooney far from the thought of children. Photo: Rex Features /

George Clooney far from the thought of children. Photo: Rex Features /

Many well-known representatives of strong sex also admit to their dislike for babies. Most often - due to the fact that they do not want to share their second halves with anyone. "Believe me: My wife is missing and with me. Why do we still have someone? " - Says Handsome Christopher Uken. Writer Haruka Murakami is waiting for the moment when he finally matches himself, but the years go, and he still feels like a child. Director Quentin Tarantino assures that his children are his films. And another memory of himself, loved, he does not need. Well, and the dream of all women George Clooney, when he in the twenty-ninth time he is asked about the children, most often saddened: "If I suddenly, I have the need to talk with the children and feel yourself in a family circle, I just call Brad and Angie and invite them to visit. Just to remind yourself that I am happy and without children. "

Prophets in their homeland

In Russia, though the movement of the Motion of Chayldfrey, still still not accepted so much to defend their right to not have children. At least our celebrities are quite concisely answering questions about their mindlessness. And most often limited by jokes.

INGEBORGA DAVE TO THE QUESTION Why doesn't have children, responds with a characteristic Lithuanian sense of humor: she prefers sex. Maya Plisetskaya in response to a similar question issued a whole aphorism: "Families with children a lot. Maya Plisetskaya - one! "

Zemfira. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Zemfira. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Zemfira somehow once at a press conference publicly stated: "No, I can not have children, I can say:" Well, Kindder, well, are you awesome? Well, what did you do? " For some reason it seemed to her that this argument would fully explain the reluctance to create a family and take care of the offspring.

And only Ksenia Sobchak is argued proves his right to be childless. And as an example, his young years: "I absolutely agree with the fact that it is at an early age that they are laid as bad and good qualities. But quite recently came to the conclusion that I am generally a person without childhood. Parents loved me, but at the same time (due to the fact that they had an intense one's own life) I was granted myself. I became a victim of the so-called spontaneous education. In this sense, parental education becomes some kind of flour that needs to be pulled out. " That is why Ksenia does not want the same fate and their offspring. "I do not like small children, they do not cause me sentimental feelings. I do not want to live family in her classical understanding. These values ​​are not for me. I believe that capitalism is the best contraceptive. When you have a normal life, work, education, money and opportunities, then absolutely no desire to spend this life on diapers, borscht and other pleasures.

However, recently in the speeches of Ksenia appeared notes of doubt. "Now I'm not so categorical. This is progress. Perhaps the right person will appear in my life or with age I will start to die alone, and then I will do the next step. "

Ksenia Sobchak considers himself a victim of spontaneous education. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Ksenia Sobchak considers himself a victim of spontaneous education. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

In this case, one comic slogan movement of the Russian Childfrey movement, which is posted on one social network. He sounds like this: "The real childfree is a word man. If he said that he would never lead to children, then he would never do it. If "never" suddenly end up thirty years old, or thirty-five, or even twenty, is garbage, little things in life. " Well, if so, it means one thing: the extinction of mankind is not exactly threatened!

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