Star couples that do not confuse the difference in age


Ivan and Natalia Krasko

Aged Difference: 60

They met at the St. Petersburg Institute of Humanitarian Education, where Natasha studied acting art. The head of the department, as well as one of the teachers was Ivan Ivanovich Krasko. Before exploring the future spouse, the girl lived in Sevastopol, studied at the teacher of preschool education. Then he got married and moved to Peter. But soon the young family broke up, and Natalia decided to fulfill his dream and went to learn acting skills. Five years after the student dating, the student and teacher Krako got on one knee in the St. Petersburg metro and made a girlfriend offer. In September of this year, the actors got married. According to Natasha, her life is needed only to the only person in the world - the current spouse Ivan Ivanovich.

Vladimir and Svetlana Shainsky

Aged Difference: 41

Vladimir and Svetlana Shainsky. Photo:

Vladimir and Svetlana Shainsky. Photo:

Svetlana worked as an accountant in a composer union. There they met. Vladimir was 58 years old, and she - 17. Due to the difference at the age of the famous composer, he did not decrease for a long time to show his feelings. But they are unnoticed by their romance. Now their son is already 28 years old, and daughters - 24. They are married more than 30 years old and are still happy.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalin Cymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Aged Difference: 46 years

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalin Cimbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalin Cimbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

Gennady Avramenko

Favorite by all the actor surprised fans, when this year after 40 years of marriage divorced his wife to Tatiana Vlasova. As it turned out, Armen Borisovich has a long-standing novel with the musical leader of his theater. At the peres, lovers do not pay attention. Dzhigarkhanyan believes that Vitalina is the only one who takes care of him.

Victor and Ekaterina Erofeev

Aged Difference: 40 years

Victor and Ekaterina Erofeev.

Victor and Ekaterina Erofeev.

Natalia Mushchinkina

Future spouses got acquainted in 2007. Katya was a fan of a famous writer and specially settled by the secretary to his publishing house. Three years later, Victor broke up with his civil wife and soon drew attention to Catherine. After eight months, they got married.

Vladimir and Elena Et

Age Difference: 43 years

Vladimir and Elena Etush.

Vladimir and Elena Etush.

Lilia Charlovskaya

Elena worked as a teacher of English and was a fan of Vladimir Ethew. She went to each of his performance, and at the end necessarily gave flowers. Elena knew in the theater and especially for her stood in the first row. Once she decided to approach the idol near the official entrance of the theater. Ethew is alerted. But the fan of reassured that she is not unemployed actress and does not dream to go to theatrical. Since then, they began to communicate. And already thirteen years live in official marriage.

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