5 important things in your wardrobe


Stylists not once told it in the media, but the repetition is the mother of the teachings, the wardrobe by 70% should consist of basic things. They must be of good quality and easily combine among themselves. This clothing will serve you not one season. But on the fact that now in the trend, and tomorrow will come out of fashion, it is quite possible to save. Womanhit will tell you how to look stylish and fashionable.

  1. Footwear

Cheap, poor-quality shoes gives you a whining. This is what it is impossible to save under any circumstances. Successfully selected ankle boots can be the basis of the image or a bright accent. The boots bought on the market will not survive and month of socks - Moscow reagents are capable of freeing even the skin of buffalo. And in the boats from the leatherette, you will sweat my legs - a pleasant little, also leads to a latter and natopysham.

Bad shoes can ruin day

Bad shoes can ruin day


  1. A bag

This subject is usually bought either not for one season - we do not consider those at the peak of fashion or suitable to one single alongside. Dear bag - a stylish status accessory. It should be classic, from natural material, neutral color and without catching fittings, but not necessarily overpay for the brand. The good thing "no name" will not be raised in the corners and will not lose the form - unlike the Chinese fake under the "firm".

The bag must be high quality

The bag must be high quality


  1. Outerwear

Unfortunately, we live in such a climate that the upper clothes have not to shoot more than six months. That is, they surrounding us only in it and see. Get yourself a good coat - on the street you will look stylish and elegant. This effect is impossible to achieve, putting the stegan jacket.

In the coat you are always elegant

In the coat you are always elegant


  1. Linen

It would seem that no one seems to see him. What is the difference that on you: Babushkina Pantalona or the brake? But, first of all, the bra right, suitable on the size and form, the bra allows you to better sit the dresses and blouses, emphasizing your chest, posture, but hiding folds on the sides. Secondly, beautiful, expensive underwear raises the self-esteem of a woman, makes it possible to feel more confident, more attractive.

Beautiful lingerie gives confidence

Beautiful lingerie gives confidence


  1. Shawls and scarves

On these accessories, women in 40 years often save, although the number of decorative elements in the neck area increases over the years. Bright silk scarf in the spring will give you a playful look, a small handkerchief, tied in the summer, again in the trend, in the fall, with the help of a large palantena, you can avoid wearing the caps, and in the winter in a cold room you can beat a simple turtleneck will help the Pavloposadsk shawl. These accessories arrange accents in your image, they should not look like an incomprehensible rag, by mistake adopted for a scarf.

Do not save on scarves

Do not save on scarves


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