Chin up! How to confront ARVI and flu viruses


If the rest passed right - we had to gain strength, and the immune system to recover. Often it is enough to survive the beginning of autumn, when children go to schools and gardens again, students to institutes, and at work the team returns to the former work.

Meeting with old and new friends, the ability to enhance with them "one" air increases the risk to infect viral diseases. Increases this chance and weather, which is becoming more and more raw, windy and dull. That legs were knocked, then somewhere blurred, and here they were punished and they picked up there. But who pays attention to a light runny nose? Think, nothing terrible! Huming! Unfortunately, it becomes more often, in most cases this is the first step towards more serious diseases. Therefore, it is better to progress and intercept the disease at the very beginning than it is seriously treated, suffering and change your plans.

By the way, do you know how viruses penetrate the body? Of course, you know - airborne droplet. But how exactly is this happening, thought? It turns out that the main entrance gates for the disease - a weakened, damaged, overheated mucous membrane of the nasophacks. If the mucosa is not able to give viruses a worthy repulse, they penetrate into the cells and begin to reproduce diligently, exciting all new territories and penetrating deeper into the body provoking the temperature and intoxication. So immunity is handed over positions, the mucosa loses protective properties, and ORVI and influenza can "promote" complications as sinusitis, angina, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, otitis, or even pneumonia. But the antibiotics take somehow not really want ...

"What to do?" - You can get frightened. Reply: act! This means comply with the rules of hygiene and use the right tools to protect against viruses, prevention and treatment of viral diseases. Now there are many means that help to alleviate the symptoms of the disease, but more correctly, of course, eliminate the cause of the disease itself, and not its consequences. Among therapeutic agents, there is such an antiviral drug as "Derinat", which helps to restore and strengthen the protective properties of the nasophack mucosa, which means not to let the viruses in the body! It can be used both as arapeutic, and as a prophylactic agent. Strengthening the main protective barrier of the body, we better cope with viruses and bacteria. The drug is used to protect against air-drip viruses, treatment and prevention of colds, ORVI and influenza. Whether you are a business woman who is the road every second, or a mom's restless child, will be able to use Derinat without any problems, because it is produced in a comfortable form of spray, which allows you to quickly and easily apply it in the nose, and in the throat.

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Having a pronounced healing property, it helps to restore the areas of mucosa damaged by viruses, which means its protective properties. In addition, almost instantly absorbed into the mucous membrane, it exhibits its antiviral, immunomodulatory and reparative (healing) properties, while not threatening the stomach and liver, and the risk of getting complications of ARVI is significantly reduced.

Do not forget that the best way is not sick - this is prevention! And then Derinat helps to restore and strengthen the protective properties of the main protective barrier of the body - the nasophack mucous membrane, which means to avoid the introduction of viruses and bacteria into the body.

For very little children, Derinat is produced in the form of droplets and is allowed to use from the first day of life, which speaks well about his safety.

Get ready for viruse attacks in advance and be healthy always, in any weather!

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