Beauty without victims: get rid of acne


Everyone knows that light is life. What would we do today if we were not surrounded by numerous light instruments? But LEDs help not only in everyday life. Recently, they have become applied in cosmetology purposes.

In fact, the useful properties of light man tried to use from ancient times. A lot of centuries ago, the Esklamps prescribed solar baths with these patients with certain diseases. Somewhere in the XVIII century, the first attempts were made to expose blood blood and various organs. Already in the 20th century, these experiments acquired a certain system. A little more than ten years ago, the cold light began to be applied in treatment, and the results were very successful. So phototherapy appeared (or freeze), which is becoming increasingly popular every year. The study conducted in recent decades in the field of studying the effects of photodynamic therapy in the treatment of involutionary changes in skin, dermatological diseases, as well as viral and bacterial skin diseases showed high efficiency of PDT.

By the way, in the nineties of the past century, scientists after long tests have proven what has long been suspected of: the light of a certain length increases the production of collagen with fibroblasts, which helps to heal wounds. That is, our body in this sense is akin to plants: under the action of light, it literally flourishes and activates the production of young cells.

To date, there are several types of phototherapy. But by almost all experts are recognized: the most effective LED apparatus is the revolutionary development of French scientists - the Triwings apparatus. Get acquainted closer.

You have a five!

Triwings - the first in world practice the filtration apparatus capable of combining at once five ranges of light waves - red, blue, yellow, purple, infrared, which dramatically improves the efficiency and speed of treatment.

Phototherapy (or freeze) Every year it is becoming increasingly popular in the area of ​​solving skin problems. .

Phototherapy (or freeze) Every year it is becoming increasingly popular in the area of ​​solving skin problems. .

"The program and the strength of the impact are selected individually depending on the problem," says the chief physician of the Beauty Institute Belle Allure Elena Radion. - With the help of a chemical reaction activated by light energy, there is a selective effect on the fabric, which needs this. Scientific work and clinical triwings tests. Proved security and efficiency of LED treatment. After all, this device thanks to the built-in cooling system does not heat the skin, it is absolutely painless and safe for patients. Therefore, at the moment Triwings is the most effective system of rejuvenation without pain. And after the first wrinkle and fold procedures are reduced, pores It is tightened, and the skin becomes smoother and lighter. Even feeling you will feel the change: usually customers say that after the procedures, the skin seemed to be breathing. And if not limited to one procedure, but to go a whole course (which is usually advised by professionals), then the texture And skin tone is improving So much that the use of tonal means ceases to be needed. "

For Anti-Age-effect, the Triwings apparatus can be used both separately and in combination with lasers, as well as with special cosmetics. Moreover, triwings can be used even after peelings!

Main advantages of technology:

• normalization of metabolic processes and mechanisms for dividing skin cells;

• activation of the growth of young, healthy cellular structures;

• activation of collagen and elastin synthesis;

• Prevention of virus and bacterial skin diseases;

• non-invasiveness;

• no side effects, injuries, pain during the procedure;

• simplicity and manufacturability;

• restoration of the natural processes of the organism;

• Lack of rehabilitation period.

Observe the entire list

However, the rejuvenation of the face and body is not all that is capable of triwings. The range of use of the device is very wide . Also this is:

• removal of scars, scars, stretch marks on any parts of the body (old and new, white and red, 80% visual effect);

• Prevention of hair loss;

• tone alignment, elimination of pigment stains;

• scarring of skin and loss of inflammation (ulcers, epithelials, side effects of dermabrasses, burns, surgical wounds);

• removal of extended vessels (cooperosis) and vascular stars;

• treatment of discharge (sweaty palms, feet, armpits);

• Complex treatment of cellulite.

To date, there are several types of phototherapy. But by almost all experts are recognized: the most effective LED apparatus is the revolutionary development of French scientists - the Triwings apparatus. .

To date, there are several types of phototherapy. But by almost all experts are recognized: the most effective LED apparatus is the revolutionary development of French scientists - the Triwings apparatus. .

Separately, it is necessary to say about acne or acne - after all, today it is the most common skin disease that amazes 80% of the population, especially of adolescent and young people. Often, the disease is difficult to treat and is one of the most significant aesthetic and social problems leading to the formation of various psycho-emotional disorders that reduce human self-esteem and causing a violation of its social and professional adaptation. The development and course of this disease depends on the genetic predisposition, its clinical form, as well as the type and color of the skin. In this regard, early diagnosis is important, the right clinical assessment, modern purpose of effective and safe treatment methods. According to modern ideas, there are several interrelated pathogenetic mechanisms at the heart of the development of acne. The most significant of them are: hypersecretion and hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands, disruption of the keratinization of the follicular epithelium, the change in the quantitative and high-quality parameters of the skin with the subsequent reinforcement of microflora (PropioniBacterium Acne) and the development of inflammation. Immune disorders occupy the importance of acne, characterized by hyperactivations of cellular immunity and leukocyte system, dysfunctional changes in humoral immunity.

After the procedures using the Triwings apparatus, a stunning result was observed:

• regression at 70-90% of inflammatory elements in all patients with acne of varying severity after the course without the use of antibiotics and other methods of treatment;

• clinical recovery of patients with an acne of light and moderate severity without the use of antibiotics and other methods of treatment;

• Reducing hyperemia, oily skin, narrowing of extended pores, significant pale of post-block spots, partial smoothing of the pedestal.

Whether you contacted specialists with any problem, there is a specially developed protocol for each of these cases. The algorithm of procedures is usually next. At first, the doctor cleans the skin with a special lotion that removes pollution and makeup and prepares the skin to further effect. After that, it is necessary to wear special glasses to protect your eyes and - you can relax: the actual triwings actor acts. After the procedure, the doctor makes a few droplets of serum for moisturizing.

Procedures with the help of the Triwings apparatus can be held all year round. However, for rejuvenating procedures, it is autumn - the best time!

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