Sexual harassment: how to resist them?


In UN and ILO documents that are ratified by Russia, sexual harassment is qualified as a special form of discrimination, carried out on the basis of sex, and recognized as violence against women.

At work, everything as usual, things are going to go. But suddenly the chief began to give you signs of attention. Light touches, compliments on the verge of vulgarity, possibly increased by service. And behind all this follows an ambiguous hint of proximity. Refuse to lose the "friendship" of the chef.

Each woman in such a situation reacts in different ways. One firmly gives failure; Another in panic: tell her husband, relatives or girlfriend. Or surrender to the mercy of the winner? In general, what to do?

The most advantageous position is the woman who immediately says "no" and stops all sorts of courtship attempts.

The one that is in confusion, risks "fall" in the arms of an annoying cavalier, and then lose his respect for himself.

So the answer is simple and complicated at the same time: stop any actions of the "Uhager", not smiling and without demonstrating a sense of humor; Maximum reduce the time of stay alone under any pretext. If it fails to avoid this, and you already understand what they were invited to, have a voice recorder who will record the evidence of the inappropriate persistence of the chef (good, it is now available in any mobile phone), and the chef warn that "all your conversations are recorded" ; Do not take gifts in the unofficial setting. Gift adoption may mean your consent to certain relationships; Know your answer - no on any informal suggestions.

The complexity of this issue is to implement these advice to life. After all, it is necessary to be confident, and confidence should feel others. Lack of confidence, uncertainty in behavior, constraint to reject "friendship" will lead to the deplorable results. Therefore, it is important to make it clear that sexual relationships at work are absolutely excluded.

Psychologists have proven that the criminals "see" a potential victim.

And know! Sexual harassment is a sexual action, for the coercion to which Article 133 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for criminal responsibility - imprisonment for up to one year. I add to this shame "Uhager", the break of the family, etc. If all this immediately convey to your cavalier immediately, then most likely he will stop the annoying courtship, and the respect for you will only increase.

So, remember: your word is a solid "no"!

Well, and if it still did not help, then where to go? To the manual. If it is not, but it is no longer impossible to endure, then in law enforcement agencies with a statement about the initiation of a criminal case. A voice recorder comes in handy here, the recording from which will be proof and will be as the basis of the charge.

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