Is there a way to find the meaning of life


We are sure that you often thought about whether you have a destination, and why did you come to this world. You are not alone in the desire to get the answer to these questions, but the problem is that there is no consensus on this subject. Nevertheless, there are several ways to get an answer in what your preplantation. To do this, turn to the method of logotherapy.

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What is this method?

Unlike Sigmund Freud, whom he believed that only earthly pleasures move, the Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankon was confident that each of us is unique and individual in its own way, our nature is inclined to constant changes, and therefore the essence of human existence is in the free choice And responsibility for your own life. Flank was the founder of the logotherapy - the method of existential psychoanalysis. According to him, a person must live as if he lives for the second time, and now he has the opportunity to correct the mistakes of the past, live a new life in a different way.

What is her essence?

The main task of the logotherapy, according to its creator, is to show the world that he is, so that the patient has expanded his perception of his things around him.

According to this method, there are only three ways to find the meaning of exactly your life:

- To engage in creativity, what you love most.

- Huge love for man.

- The knowledge of the meaning of life through suffering.

In the first case, everything is extremely clear: when a person is engaged in his favorite thing, he in principle does not arise about the meaning of his existence, because everything suits him and life is beautiful. If you decide that you like you, you will find a matter that you will be ready to do all your life can assume that your search for the point is completed, at least at this stage.

do not build life around one person

do not build life around one person


In the second case, we are talking about emotional attachment to person or object. A person can immerse himself in pleasant experiences, especially when another person is reciprocating. Often, in such a situation, people are completely devoted to the life of care for the object of adoration, finding the meaning of its existence. The only problem is that another person can "overdo it" and then your world can collapse with the departure of a partner, and with him you lose and the meaning of existence, so you should not devote absolutely all my life to a particular person, the presence of which is so inconstant.

The third way, probably the most unpleasant, because we are talking about the inevitable suffering. But in this case there are advantages, such as internal identity changes for the better.

Many friends and acquaintances may not appreciate your desire to find yourself

Many friends and acquaintances may not appreciate your desire to find yourself


Not all our friends and relatives can understand our desire to find the meaning of life, especially when you voiced their thoughts on this. Remember, the search for meaning is not pathology, but the path to self-development.

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