Lyudmila Torgin: "I hope that Petya will be the same talented man as his grandfather"


This year, traditional charts of the exam and entrance examinations in universities have undergone significant changes. Someone else is in the process of passing the tests, and some have already become students. The grandson of Nikolai Karachentsova Peter turned out to be the lucky time, who had already enacted a serious educational institution. Lyudmila Porina told about it.

- Petya entered the Higher School of Economics. What dreamed about - there and got. This choice personally, - said Lyudmila Andreevna. - Of course, he is a versatile boy: engaged in music, drawing, studied in the gymnasium. He listened to Verdi in La Rock in Milan, Wagner - in Munich, visited the best museums of the world, familiar with the canvas of outstanding Italians. The grandson adores the cinema, and we are watching the best world movie cornocartes of all Oskaronians, the pictures of the Cannes Festival, we are all discussing. But we have no such films, no one gets such awards. Here you see now with us cinema? Where is he? Then we consider theaters. What are the latest victories? What are the performances that shook the world, Moscow? I am pleased to talk with the directors of the regional theaters that continue the traditions of the Russian realistic theater, the traditions of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko, for which the theater is the life of the human spirit. " What do I see on stage now? Almost nothing. So I looked at the formulation of the bones of Bogizov. So I did not understand at all: does it relate to the spectrum or not? Kostya Bogomolov received the theater on a small armor. What masterpieces did he do? I can not understand who right now by our theaters? The whole old guard was gone, for whom the audience came, units were left. Maybe, of course, we have a temporary decline? So I think so: let Petya study in this university now, maybe the economy will pull out, our economy is not very good. Well, then go into art. Because Grisha Gorin was a physician, but became a great playwright. It is no longer ... Oleg Shaincis was a great theater artist and also left the theater. It is very sad to talk about it, but I really hope that Russia will rise and will surprise something.

- This year, the exam took place in a rather nervous setting. How did Peter pass the exams?

- He was also very difficult for him. This is a psychological burden on children who are used to communicating. But, imagine all this preparation went online through a computer. Very hard they went out after exams. I would say with nervous breakdowns. They were told: "It is impossible to the street", "put on the mask", "do not go there", "do not do this." And they ask: "Why didn't it fall on our generation?" It is still unknown that they are waiting in September. Of course, they are very talented, rush into battle. But I want to be a fight not behind the wall, not in the dark, tangible fight to see a partner, teacher to talk to him, talk. He passed his ege on mathematics better than everyone in our lyceum than we are proud of. And he won the Russian Olympics in mathematics. Therefore, he was accepted, thank God. I hope that the grandson will be the same talented man as his grandfather, because he not only knew how to yell, shout, sing, dancing, play romanticism, comedy, tragedy, but he also possessed a mathematical gift. So Petya looks like him.

The grandson of Nikolai Karachentsova Peter entered the prestigious university

The grandson of Nikolai Karachentsova Peter entered the prestigious university

- Without tutors, when preparing for exams, I guess did not cost?

- Sure! Petya studied constantly, read a lot of book, he had tutors - famous mathematicians, professors with whom he was engaged. Of course, this is all silent, but the future is now for young. We could have done: Kohl, I was invested in the theater, culture. We stood up to the end, we did not change our moral implications and some kind of principles in life. Now it's about them - they should be widely educated: music, literature, cinema and theater. When we started in 1973 with Mark Anatolyevich in the theater, we had such a company in the evenings ... These were physicists, artists, poets, and composers, including Richter. This is a community. We just can educate a new generation when it communicates with the outstanding people of our country. I have something to talk about with grandson. We argue about the pictures of Rafael, we are discussing Leonardo da Vinci, its principles. Whatever he would not have built to us, but he would have written the paintings. I wish the young generation of victory. I really want them to convey your strength - spiritual, physical, - so that they can break through in such a serious time.

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