Isabelle Ajani and Bruno Nyitten: "Relationships after a relationship"


Isabelle Ajani, which many consider the personification of French charm and elegance, was born in a mixed family. Her father, Mohammed Ajani, is a northern African feet, a mother by Nationality of German. The girl since childhood showed a clear hypocritical talent, participating in all school theatrical productions. When she was fourteen, the cinematographers were noted at her, offering a role in the painting "Little Corgent". Then there was work with Roger Vadim, Robert Ossein and Jean-Paulus Russian. The latter even boldly invited a very even girl who did not have acting education, to become a full-fledged actress of one of the most famous theaters of France - "Comedi Francéz", where he put the Moliere School of Women. Although later Izabel offered a twenty-year-old (!) Contract with the theater, she courageously refused - for the sake of working with one of the founders of the "New Wave" Francois Treiffo.

The actress has always thoroughly protected his personal life from the audience. It is only known that she had a stormy novel with actor Warren Beatti. Moreover, Hollywood Lovelace was ready to marry a beautiful Frenchwoman. That absolutely not included in the plans of Isabel. She then believed that he was not yet ready for the role of his wife and mother. In addition, it was not at all going to move to Los Angeles.

As a result, the father of her eldest son Barnabe became the famous French operator Bruno Nyitten. Moreover, even the prurd reporters for a long time did not realize this connection. When the actress was filmed in the director's debut of Bruno "Camilla Klodel", the journalists could not understand for a long time, why glorified Ajani suddenly decided to work with a newcomer. And meanwhile, the son of Isabel and Bruno at that time was eight years old!

Together, this couple almost never lived. The actress itself called their relationship "relationship after a relationship." So when the news that it was Nyuitten who is the father of her child, became public, there was no passion between lovers there was no passion. Yes, they talked perfectly, together their son, but not moreover.

But it is Nyitten (or rather, his film "Camilla Klodel") brought a new love of Isabelle. After all, it was during the advertising campaign a picture of Ajani met with actor Daniel Day-Lewis, who gave her a lot of love, suffering and ... younger son.

... The owner of two Oscars Daniel Day Lewis was born in a famous British family. His father, the writer Cecil Day-Lewis, worked under the pseudonym Nicholas Blake and is still considered a classic of detective English prose. Mother (by the way, she comes from the Baltic States) - Actress, the daughter of the oldest film studio of Ealing Studios. Therefore, a boy from an early age for art and hated everything that is called official. At the age of thirteen, he was excluded from the school, but it entered into the ranks of the Royal Shakespearean troupe rather early.

The cinema also almost immediately drew attention to a talented guy. Although he had to wait for a long success. Triumphal for him was 1985, when Daniel turned twenty-eight. Then at the rental - at the same time, two pictures came out at once with his participation: "My favorite laundry" and "Room with a view" in which he appeared in very different images. New York Film Crims Association immediately called Day Lewis the best actor's second plan.

Frame from the film

Frame from the movie "Happy Travel". Gregory Derange and Isabelle Ajani. Photo: Capital Pictures /

The initiator of the novel with Isabel was Daniel. When the actress arrived with Promotur to England, he began daily to throw it with funny notes. It is worth noting that at that time they were not familiar personally. "Honestly, I looked at it for a long time before I decided to answer these messages," tells Adjani later. "Then still agreed to meet him." Usually I feel not in my plate on such dates, but that time everything was comfortable, it's pretty and, as the British, romantic, love to speak.

For the sake of Daniel Isabel settled in London, where the couple, although he did not register their relationship, lived under one roof for five years. And then suddenly something cracked in their relationship. Just when Adjani realized that she was waiting for a child ...

Learning that he would soon become a father, Daniel ... left. And for a long time I did not let you know about yourself: there were no letters or telephone calls from him. And six months after parting the actors, their son appeared to the world, which Gabriel was called. Despite the gap with Day Lewis, Isabelle gave the child to the father's surname.

Gabriel Dei Lewis, who is now seventeen, apparently, inherited the acting talent of his parents. Not so long ago, he played a major role in the musical "Guys and Pupae" (in the formulation of the native St. Gerards School). And before that, appeared in the episode in the film "Adolf" - then he was only seven years old. Already the years later, Daniel still began to communicate with his offshore. But he himself, and Adjani do not try to remember about his past passion. At least public ...

Daniel Day Lewis a year after birth of an extramarital son met a woman who wanted to marry. His wife became just Rebecca Miller - the daughter of the writer Arthur Miller and the photographer Ingeborgi morath. In 1996, lovers officially legalized their relations. Today they raise two children - the sons of Ronana and Cachel - and sometimes work together. And for the sake of his spouse, Rebecca even took up the director: In 2005, she took off the film "Ballada about Jack and Rose", the main role in which Daniel Day Lewis was played.

But Isabelle Adjani, who dreams of a lot of men, are still alone. Although at some point it seemed that she finally found her female happiness. In recent years, her name was associated with a famous musician and composer Jean-Michel hot. The couple lived in civil marriage and was even engaged. However, from some moment the actress suddenly began to begin to appear in the light of loneliness. As Isabel admitted in one of the interviews, she herself became the initiator of a gap with Jean. And the reason for this was the permanent treason of the partner. So today the beautiful Frenchwoman is again free and is open to new relationships.

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