Rest in the village: useful alternative to the resort


Now in Russia, farmers or agrotourism is increasingly developing. Therefore, you have a chance to feel the benefit of a rural holiday, despite the lack of inheritance from your grandmother in the outback, six acres in gardening or relatives in the village. Moreover, the vacation conducted in the Russian outback is much more useful for adult, and for a child.

The conditional division in the category will help you understand what you want to endure from a trip to the village, as well as configure yourself for a journey or even an adventure.


Fresh air. In the big city, the process of cleansing from toxins inevitably gives failures, the oxygen is not enough to remove all carbon dioxide from the body. In addition, the rustic air is so tasty that I want to draw in large spoons.

Sleep. It becomes strong, continuous and long, especially if you manage to fall asleep on the haymaker, where the dream comes instantly. By the end of the first week, the regime becomes natural - a desire arises to go to bed earlier and to get up before. As I have long been noticed if you lie at 22 and in get up at 7:30, there will be bruises under the eyes, the condition of the skin and hair will improve - and it is only an impact on appearance. From Handra will not remain a trace.

Bath. Now in the bath you can wash at least every day, but how nice to watch the solemnity, with which all residents of the village are drowned their baths on Saturdays, names each other to visit, turning the intake procedure into a whole ritual. Using various brooms, you also pass the session of phytotherapy and massage.

Well water. It is well known that in large cities the structure of the water molecule is changing and it loses its lively properties. Residents of the Megapolis have to buy water in bottles, filter or freeze. In the village you can and even need to drink water in a proven well directly from the bucket.

Walk barefoot. This is a massage, and the return to the land of static electricity in exchange for the useful energy of the Earth. And the walking in the morning dew increases the resistance to colds.

Physical exercise

Swimming. If you have charging on the shore of the reservoir and plunge into it after, you charge the vigility for the whole day.

Bicycle rides. Excellent opportunity to combine loving by local nature, surrounding villages with aerobic load.

Skiing. Once in the winter they were almost the only means of movement in a snowy virgin. Now special skiers are laid for tourists and vacationers. It is known that the ski running includes a large number of muscles, increases the tone of the press, improves the work of the knee joints.

Horseback riding. If there is an instructor on horseback riding, you can both gain a new skill, and strengthen your health, improve posture and increase your self-esteem.

Ability to work on Earth. You can plant a tree, fruit shrub, flowers or greens. Thus, it will be possible to combine the physical exertion with the energy exchange between you and the Earth, between you and plants. The work is very grateful, and it is so curious to observe the growth of seedlings!



Fishing. This exciting process can be engaged in almost every reservoir, and at any time of the year. And how many options with catching: and to scribble, and cook ear, and plant.

Berries. Every summer month gives his berry. In June, the collection of strawberries is going, then blueberries are sleeping, after - Forest raspberries, and on the swamp - cloudberry, then a lingonberry, and to late autumn - cranberries. You can eat with a bush living vitamins collected by your own hands, or harbor: cooking compotes, jam, freeze for the winter, dry. Each such workpiece can become an excellent gift to the city inhabitant!

Mushrooms. There are not so often people who are ready to abandon fried, sauce, mushroom soup or salt fungi. Therefore, the work of the mushroom will always be appreciated. And what happiness to notice the handsome of Borovik, who is as asking for canvas or in the frame.

Herbs. Many little girls grandmothers took in their childhood in the field and told: "Here is a chamomile, here is St. John's wort, and here is the soul, and here Ivan-tea." And then dried assembled and explained what benefit from them. Girls grew up, someone learned knowledge, and someone enjoys them and shares at seminars with like-minded people. Grass is often better than medication, especially if you know how to contact them. So you can rush up to check the knowledge gained in practice.


Products of natural economy. It is milk, and meat, and eggs, and honey. Local residents can always buy vegetables, greens, berries, fruits for the season. Many townspeople will again feel "Taste from childhood."

Local kitchen. The village always knows that one hostess turns out the most delicious pie, in another - borsch, in the third - porridge baked in the oven, and which and more exotic, for example, fish dumplings. So it remains only to find an approach to a particular hostess, and in some places there are rustic restaurants with delicious and very affordable food.

Kebabs. A rare ride out of town costs without kebabs. Increased incredible number of devices for its preparation, marinades. And how many accompanying pleasure: collaboration, revival around the fire.


Water entertainment: boat, boat, banana, water skiing, catamarans.

The photo. Observations for living nature, locals, architecture, landscape - this is where there is an opportunity to catch a rare frame.

Participation in folk festivities: Ivan Day Kupala, New Year, Weddings, Placements or just discos.

Local history museums, manors, concerts, performances in them. All the details can be found by asking the local intelligentsia or self-rummage on the Internet. After all, it may be found out that in some three kilometers from your hut there is an antique manor or even a castle. In such places there may be their own event: in the castle, for example, a concert of baroque music, and in the estate - the production of the "Cherry Garden" by local enthusiasts.

Sinks, tubel, snowmobile, scooters.

Sunbathing, take air baths. For special tan fans it is worth noting that the northern tan is stronger than the southern, can hold out all winter.

Extreme entertainment: to sit behind the wheel of the tractor, jump into the water from Tarzanka, drive around the bumps on a quad bike.

For the soul

Another A. S. Pushkin called the village "shelter of calm, works and inspiration", and if you think about it, the classic was right. How does the village affect the state of the human soul:

Contact with wildlife is the opportunity to see near animals, and observing natural phenomena: sunrises, sunsets, fogs, stars, thunderstorms. Such contact, contemplating at the same time incredible power and beauty gives rise to a sense of robust and great thanks to the Creator.

Return to yourself. Thanks to life in harmony with nature, you begin to hear your heart. Thus, it is easy to make an important decision to deal with a long-time problem.

Acquisition of inspiration. Relaxation, rest, beauty - all this contributes to the inspiration on new beginnings in school, work and personal life.

Productive performance of great labor. Creative ideas are contemplated in the gracious situation, so research, dissertations, publications - everything moves with seven-year steps to the final result.

For kids

Everything is suitable described above, but I would like to summarize and add important comments:

- Fresh air, the moving lifestyle provides immunity for the whole academic year;

- Healthy food - children begin to grow "like on yeast";

- In rainy weather, reading and discussion read. Researment from civilization will help to make a child love for reading;

- A lot of sports or sports games, mainly in the fresh air. Watching the child manifests itself, you can choose the section to choose the section to him;

- The field for experiments, where the child can show itself in a new way: to become more bold, sociable, decide to overcome yourself, making it, for example, his first jump into the water. Or come out for the first time life on the rural scene to dance or sing on a rustic holiday;

- Most likely your child will acquire new skills and skills. For example, for kids there are many meetings with chickens, cows. The child begins to understand where milk and eggs come from. It is no less interesting to do with children with the fees of mushrooms and berries. Among the older one will learn to swim, the other is to ride a bike, and the third is the first chords on the guitar of the senior comrade.

By the way, for kids up to three years, doctors recommend not to change the climatic belt and not to enter exotic products into the diet.

Yes, some difficulties will not be avoided. It is worth stocking ointments and sprays from mosquitoes and other living things. There is no guarantee that you are lucky to find accommodation with modern plumbing. Perhaps you have to take part of the journey along Ughab, but it is good - it means that the place is still a faint, ecology is better!

The village provides a rare opportunity to escape from the information flow. For complete relaxation it is worth going to such wilderness where the mobile phone works only at good weather.

If your profession is connected with constant communication or you just get tired of the daily collision with a human stream of a big city, then the best way to restore your mental health will be a trip to the protected village, alone or in a company with the most close people.

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