5 actions of children, after which you need to go to a psychologist


Devianity, that is, the deviation from the norm of behavior is manifested, starting from early age. While some children quit parents to have a kitten or a puppy, others are tormented by animals already living in the house. It is important to detect the problem in time and contact a specialist. There are several actions, after which psychologists ask parents to come to a consultation with children.

Aggression against other children

If your baby is so bad, calling one-laugher in kindergarten, picks up on the site toys from other children or empty spoils other things, it's time to beat the alarm. Usually the real reason for this behavior is a relationship within the family. If it is insulted at home, they are physically punished or ignored, the child will certainly pour out negative emotions on peers or children younger. He feels that parents have no matter before him, but at the subconscious level, bad behavior still tries to draw attention to himself. Sometimes bad behavior is explained by the appearance of a younger child in the family, which parents are forced to pay a lot of attention. It is important to bring the baby to care for the newborn, offering uncomplicated tasks. For example, choose toys or clothing together, bring mom diapers or nipples. Try while sleeping the younger to play and talk with the eldest child so that he does not feel abandoned.

Aggression is explained by the problems inside the family.

Aggression is explained by the problems inside the family.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Inability to obey the elders

Remember your childhood. Surely in your or parallel class was a child who could easily start singing at a lesson or constantly left the class without warning. At the age of 7 years, children occur the second crisis of growing up when they realize their "ego" and separate themselves from society. Not all kids grow easily, so it is important to detect similar problems in time and contact a specialist for help. He will explain the child why you need to obey the elders and fulfill their requests. After therapy, children usually become less disturbing and produce discipline.

Restless Son.

While some children openly show their discontent, others will get into themselves, so it becomes difficult to identify the violation of ordinary behavior. However, even such children manifests the alert signals at the moment when they do not control themselves, in a dream. The child can grit his teeth, talking in a dream, constantly paint and wake up. If this happened once, beat in the bell early. However, the constant repetition of symptoms accurately indicates the presence of problems.

Keep your baby

Keep your baby

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Mockery of animals

When a child over 3 years old is offended by animals, it says about explicit aggression. Try to explain that animals are our friends and they feel no less pain when they are twitching for wool or kick. Never let the child throw stones or sand in street animals, scare them or tease food. One who in childhood manifests cruelty to defenseless creatures, in the future will definitely begging aggression towards people. Such behavior needs to be strictly preserved by telling the child a calm solid tone of the wrong act.

Inability to control the needs

Some children who have psychological problems in adulthood can behave like kids. For example, forget to go to the toilet or capricious on trifles. Such a manifestation mainly indicates fears and experiences. To the child should be treated as an independent person, giving him freedom of choice and supporting it in everything. If in the family there is a uncomfortable environment, the child's psyche tries to protect it from external aggression, as a result of which returns to the origins - the behavior of younger age. Talk to the child, learning that he worries him.

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