To help those who are engaged in sports


Thermal Water La Roche-Posay

To help those who are engaged in sports 31376_1

During sports, you can cover the face of thermal water from time to time. And immediately after training, pre-flushing the remnants of sweat, it is abundantly moistened to the heated skin. After all, the thermal water of La Roche-Posay, in addition to moisturizing itself, is still in parallel with a wound-healing, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect; slows the processes of cell aging; reduces irritation, itching; Neutralizes free radicals, damaging skin cells.

Antiperspirant regulating 48 hours from Vichy

To help those who are engaged in sports 31376_2

An unpleasant sweat smell, alas, may appear during training even with a flawless princess. Meanwhile, according to statistics, it is in fitness clubs that many princes are in search of the second half. In order not to scare the potential groom, it is worth putting this antiperspirant in a sports bag. It contains the components of a new generation, regulating excessive sweating for a more effective action directly to sweat glands, without blocking the respiratory processes of the skin. If you use this tool for two days in a row every week, then every subsequent week of use of sweating is gradually normalized.

Deodorant Antiperspirant Neo from Garnier

To help those who are engaged in sports 31376_3

This novelty will certainly appreciate the owner of sensitive skin. Because this deodorant antiperspirant (by the way, first of its kind) as far as merciless to the sweat, so and gentle to the skin. Panthenol, which is part of its composition, cares for the skin, protecting it from irritation after shaving, and the mineral perlite, a powerful natural absorbent, deftly copes with the smell of sweat. We fell in love with this deodorant also for the cosmic view of the ring diffuser. It turns out that it is responsible for mild and uniform application.

Phytodesodorant spray from the brand "Clean Line"

To help those who are engaged in sports 31376_4

Immediately five herbs will stand on the protection against sweat, allowing the skin at the same time to breathe. And the light summer fragrance reminds that the sun has recently shone brightly, and it was possible to play sports in the nearest park.

Deetox Body Scrub from Stenders

To help those who are engaged in sports 31376_5

In order to achieve perfect elastic skin without cellulite, only exercise, as we all know, is not enough. Proper skin care is an equally important part of permanent care. Deeply cleansing scrub for Detox body smooth and refreshes the skin, having prepared it for deep moisturizing. It is best to use it after water procedures: warm bath or bath when the skin will warm enough. Skip scrub should be neat circular movements. Just do not overdo it: no need to stretch and tiny skin too much. Pay each zone (especially problematic) at least five minutes. Use the scrub recommended a couple of times a week.

Juices J7 "Fruit entirely"

To help those who are engaged in sports 31376_6

When sports, a very important point is the internal replenishment of water losses. Any specialist will tell you that the best option is the usual drinking water. However, more recently can be safely recommended for juice. Indeed, in each glass of innovative novelty from J7 contains 29 percent of the daily tissue rate. How important is the fiber, all the sick fans know without tips. It practically does not contain calories and promotes the purification of the body. Well, plus to everything thanks to the new processing technology (when the selected fruits are used entirely) the juices appeared a very tender "velvety" texture and a rich fresh taste.

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