Things that are more important sex in relationships


Sex is an important part of relationships, but not fundamental. To maintain long and strong relationships, it is not enough to simply carry out all nights together, it is important to be able to listen and hear each other, to help, maintain and understand in a difficult situation. We have compiled a list of basic things, without which no couple will build long-term relationships.

What is really important?

Understanding is necessary

Understanding is necessary


Common goals in life

Suppose you have excellent sex, only in his free time he is trying to make money on apartments in New York, where is going to move in the next few years, and you are categorically opposed to moving, and see yourself with a mother of three or four children. Of course, it is impossible to count on a happy future such a pair only if you don't come on a compromise.

This does not mean that you must fully coincide in order and desire, however, your future ideas should reset a little, otherwise there is simply no sense in building long-term relationships.


Speak, say and speak again. Emotional communication is built by communication not only through the bed, but also through the experiences and adoption of the senses of the partner. Think about how often you or he share your experiences with each other, and whether you have to solve problems yourself. It is impossible to present the future family, where everyone is busy only.

Support in any situation

Each of us has their own problems, to stay with which alone is impossible. When you plan a family, you are calculated for help from a partner in a difficult situation, your home should be a place where you will hurry for the advice of a loved one, just as he must understand that you can always rely on you.

You must take each other

You must take each other



Family life is different from simple meetings to the joint life and constant finding each other in sight. You can't live with a man in one apartment and constantly be "at the height": he will see you without makeup, sleepy, in pajamas - not at all that "princess", which you tried to be at the beginning of dating.

You must be sure that the "truth of life" will not move your chosen one, and it will not change the relationship.

Your life goals should though a little coincide.

Your life goals should though a little coincide.


Delight from communicating with each other

The time spent together should not be in a burden. If you consider days before departure, this is a bad sign. At least you must have common interests, even in what area:

- Sport.

- Music.

- Movie.

- Travels.

As we have already spoken, it is not necessary to look for your "clone", just each of you should take partner's hobbies, otherwise conflicts are inevitable.

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