How did the stars spent this summer?


Anastasia Volochkova:

"Finally rested"

- The summer of this year I remember that I was real, a full-fledged holiday, which lasted first five days, then seventeen and more - three! And if the past summer was "torn" - we went to Montenegro and spent vacation near Moscow, - then this year we chose only Crete, the place of capsis. Mom with Arisha lived at Villa for almost 2 months. And I joined them, as my free time appeared. We bathed, sunbathe. On the territory of our villa there was own beach and pool. Arisha has learned to do PA on the water. Igor, my ex-husband, arranged very spiritual holidays for us. We traveled on the yacht. I did not accidentally chose this Greek island for our rest. It is connected with the origin of our names Anastasia and Ariadne. We finally spent a lot of time together. Unfortunately, during the year with my daughter we can not be together all day ...



- Now they write a lot, what are you with Igor again together?

- We had a very interesting relationship with him after parting. And I strongly raise the fact that we can relax together. He is the best dad in the world! And our feelings simply moved to another format close-close friendship. And I know for sure, no matter how my life has happened in the future, my house doors will always be open to Igor. First of all, because he is the Father Ariadna, and in the second - we kept so much romance in relations as they do not exist in many families living with a stamp in the passport.

- What was done for these months?

- I created a children's creative center that successfully worked for a year. And this summer I moved him to the gymnasium, in which Ariadne will learn. There were still many wonderful concerts. And on the choreographic number "Tango", which I fulfill with my show-ballet, we removed the stunning beauty of the clip. I also recorded a song.

- Something new for the summer learned?

- Most likely I did not recognize, but I realized. Two months ago, I miraculously survived, hitting a car accident, and I realized that the most valuable thing is life itself. And you need to appreciate and love her for everything she presents us.

Vera Brezhneva. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Vera Brezhneva. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Vera Brezhneva:

"Half summer I rode a bike"

- Faith, what's new you learned for yourself this summer?

- Lots of! Every day gives me invaluable empirical experience. I read a few books, I looked at a series of interesting and not very movies, walked in interesting and new places. The process of knowledge permanenient. (Laughs.)

- Where did you manage to visit and what to see?

- Where I was not! Now it is difficult to restore the chronology. Many projects and interesting trips, many impressions. There were traditional summer festivals, and not completely familiar projects as the festival of humor in Odessa. Still finished the filming of the material for the film "Jungle", in which we and I and I play a couple of married couple, produced on a uninhabited island. In addition, my new song "Insomnia" came out in July. Still prepared a new song by autumn, shot a video for her. And if you still forget about the work, I am happy to ride a bike half of the summer, I went through a lot of fruit, I was gaining vitamins, walked with children, having fun on attractions in the Moon Park - and it was all wonderful!

- And what is most memorized?

Vacation! This year we rested our family in Italy. I like to spend time in Europe. There's comfortable, especially with young children. Silence, beauty of the Adriatic, lush vegetation. Beautiful, tasty and warm!



Victoria Dayneko:

"In France, I prepared a rustic food"

- One of the most unusual experiments over the past three months - work on the voice acting series "Flash - Love". With my heroine, Carla, we look like: She also arrived from a small town to the capital of something to seek something. She is a brunette, loves red lipstick ... Well, of course, near every cute girl there are a few guys, between which she can't choose ... It's all so familiar to me! And on vacation I went with my friends. We booked air tickets, took the car to get to Alsace - the most beautiful place in France. We traveled on bicycles to the nearby spa by fields with haystacks, corn and vineyards, sunk near the pool and they themselves prepared food from delicious rustic products.



Ruslan Alekhno:

"I risked my health"

This summer was issued relatively quiet, peaceful for me. From the most vivid impressions I can call my summer holiday in Cyprus. I wanted calmness, so I refused from extreme entertainment and spent the days on the beach. I was still closed on a tour of the castle of Richard, the lion's heart, which I heard a lot and where I had long wanted to visit. And, of course, I will not forget the shooting of the clip on the song "Do not forget". We also seriously risked our health for art seriously. Shooting took place at night. According to the director of Alexander Ivanhenko, the lovers fall under torrential rain. And in order to remove a few spectacular scenes, I and my "beloved" had to take a great meat: we spent a few hours in a row on the street wet to the thread. After each double, we brought the plaids to at least somehow could warm up and get sick. However, it was not possible to avoid a cold - I returned to Moscow with a temperature and sick throat.

Photo: Amedia / Olga Malysheva.

Photo: Amedia / Olga Malysheva.

Igor Yurtayev:

"In the summer I graduated from two universities"

This summer I had very actively. I basically worked, finished two universities: I studied at the Day Department of the Faculty of Journalism MGIMO and at the correspondence of Jurfak of the Russian University. She also visited Solar Odessa. There were only three days there. But I really liked the city with positive people and an incredible sense of humor. After these little vacations, I realized that I want to travel a lot, get acquainted with new people. And still be sure to learn to ride surfing.



Sati Kazanova:

"I managed to rest, work and get a horse as a gift"

- At first I was with my family visited Italy. And it was so fascinated by this country, which seriously thought about learning the language and move there to live there. Then there were clips in the Caucasus. Very talented and creative guys in our small homeland! Thanks to everyone for work! I even burned out there highly worry, spending all day in the mountains. And in Karachay-Cherkessia, I was presented with a horse. English purebred, with a good pedigree, winner-horse. Called Akbar. Now I dream of a beautiful house near Moscow, with a stable. Closer to the end of the summer I performed at the Festival of the Russian Song in the Polish city of Zelen-Gur. And after went by car to Berlin. It has already been there three times, but for the first time I found a Russian-speaking guide, which held me on the main attractions. We looked at Reichstag, Berlin Wall, University, Vintage Cathedrals. I could not hold out from the hike shopping, I bought a couple of beautiful shoes and prada handbag.



Anna Skidanova:

"I graduated from guitis"

The most memorable event of this summer - I finally ended the guitis! Four years have passed as one day and here a diploma in my hands. This event marked the end of a small, but important era in my life. I had more freedom, it was possible to rest, the theater project is expected in the fall, in which I will participate, and it's great. Many it seems that summer flew quickly, but according to my feelings, these three months were very capacious - they were saturated with events, new acquaintances appeared. I started to lead a more active lifestyle, I observe the workout mode and constantly working on myself.



Tatyana Kotova:

"I almost turned over on kayak"

Finally, I performed my long-standing dream and visited Plitvice Lakes - one of the most famous natural attractions of Europe. These lakes are in Croatia. I learned about them when I was a member of VIA GRA and just fell in love with this reserve. And finally, I was able to fully enjoy the beauty of local lakes and picturesque caves. And then decided on the extremal act: the descent on the kayak along the steep mountain river. Having received the necessary instructions, I independently overcame several dangerous thresholds and began maneuvering between sharp ledging stones. However, in a few minutes, after the sharp gust of the wind was brought towards the coast, I began to lose control. Slowing a couple of tens of meters, my kayak stopped, clinging for a large underwater stone. For half an hour, the rescuers tried to gently attract me to the shore with the help of cables. One awkward movement could cost me life. It was crazy, I was afraid even a little. Fortunately, the beam worked very simply and promptly. And the next day, I again wounded on the mountain river. The second attempt was much more successful. I received a shock dose of adrenaline. It was worth it!



Andrei Gaidulian:

"Now I became a professional DJ"

- This summer, I had big changes. Finally, and my beloved Girl Diana moved to a new apartment. All summer I was filmed in the series "University. Sasha and Tanya, "traveled on tour with performances" Dangerous boys "and" Gorgeous Wedding ", began to rehearse a new play, passed the casting for a role in a full-length film and began to tour as DJ. For the turntables I have been standing for several months. And so I was invited to perform on several sites in Russia. It's great!

- Do you have a rest?

Sure! With Diana we met two years ago. And we celebrated our second anniversary as you dreamed. We decided to recall the beginning of our relations and went to Turkey, put in the same hotel as two years ago, booked a chic number. True, the holiday lasted only four days. But we rested, as if I had a full-fledged vacation. We flew on the parachutes, swam with dolphins, took the scooter for rent and rode the neighboring islands, having fun, danced - in general, they broke off to the full coil.

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