That the posture for sleep will tell you


Each of us has a favorite posture for sleep - someone is planted on the bed like a star, and someone turns into the bud of the embryo. Body position at night strongly affects our health. Not surprisingly, in a dream, a person spends about a third of his life. At night, we remain almost fixed and turn over a couple of times. In this regard, the posture in which you slept, affects the health of the day - there may be pain in the body or decrease the pressure. Consider three main provisions in which a person is during sleep.

On the back

So only about 10% of people sleep. If you feel about them, congratulations - you have much less chance to suffer from back pain and neck. Sleep in this position is useful for the spine, as a person lies exactly, without curving. Sleeping in this posture less often experience headaches and their digestive system works better. According to experts, those who sleep on the back are growing slower, because the face does not frown because of the pillow.

However, pregnant women should avoid this posture - it can cause strong pressure on the back and discomfort. The post "Star" post is not suitable for people suffering from apnea - disease, in which breathing stops during sleep for a few seconds. In this position, the respiratory tract is narrowed, tongue and soft fabrics prevent the free breath and exhale.

Only 10% of people sleep on the back

Only 10% of people sleep on the back


On the side

Usually, the elderly, as well as those who suffer from excess weight, are often singing. In this position, nothing hinders breathing, so the posture is suitable for a patient apnea, as well as married couples in which one of the partners snoring. According to experts, sleep on side facilitates pain in the joints and lower back and chronic diseases, such as, for example, fibromyalgia. It is also believed that rolling from one side to another contributes to improved blood circulation, which can be useful to people with high pressure and those who suffer from other cardiovascular diseases. Sleep in the nucleus pose strengthens the intestinal health, the digestive system is better functioning - the risk of heartburn, constipation and bloating is reduced.

From the disadvantages: the shoulder may be ill in this position, which is pressed into the mattress under the weight of your body, and the neck. In addition, the process of wrinkle appearance is accelerated, since the face rests in the pillow. And some have a hand drawn, which forces them to wake up in the middle of the night and thereby depriving a full-fledged rest.

Lying on the side, people almost do not snore

Lying on the side, people almost do not snore


On stomach

This posture for sleep is not quite natural for a person, but it can be useful for health. You will be surprised, but those who sleep on the stomach are easier breathing. But experts are still recommended to roll over on the side or back. The fact is that the unnatural position of the body strengthens the pressure on the joints, the discomfort in the neck and back - the main weight of the body falls on them. Streeting on the stomach, keep the neck and spine at one level it is impossible. An expert on Snah Dr. Michael Breeu in the material The Sun says: "When you sleep on your stomach, your neck is deployed 90 degrees regarding the body. Because of the pillow, it is above the spine. All this directly leads to pains in the cervical department and feeling discomfort. Sleeping on the stomach provokes the curvature of the spine, because at night the back is greatly bent. It puts pressure on the lower back and as a result also causes pain. " In addition, pressing face to the pillow, you provoke the emergence of new wrinkles.

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