Diana Gurtskaya: "I have a special room where I keep gifts"


- What color do you associate yourself?

- It all depends on the mood. Mostly probably I caramel.

- Have you ever to say that you read Schopenhauer, although you did not read it?

"Schopenhauer I did not read and do not consider it right to talk about what was not."

- Have you ever bought dishes in a rage, did the newspapers, are the subjects?

- No, it's too. In any situation, a person must remain a person. Especially a woman. There is no anger.

- Have you ever made something from the hotel room or a restaurant for memory?

- I would burn with shame. So my parents brought up me.

- Did you have given presented gifts?

- No, every gift is memory. I even have a special room, where I have stored them.

- What can make you redden?

- It is not true in my life. I try never to deceive.

- Have you ever exaggerated the value of the thing you wear?

- did not communicate.

- Your reaction at the sight of your own double?

- always wanted someone to sparring me. And I would be glad to meet my twin. It is very interesting.

- Your main advantage?

- Physical people. I love people very much.

- What kind of test you do not?

- I had to survive a lot in my life, and it only harden me.

- The most unexpected entrance you allowed?

- Participation in the show "Dancing with the Stars." And, of course, the idea of ​​collecting all my star girlfriends in the pussy clip.

- What talent would you like to possess?

"If I had the opportunity to see, I would really like to become a doctor."

- What did you promise yourself this morning?

"I promised my son that we will translate Tom Sawer today than we did."

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