RESETS AND TYKS: New Handmade Trend


Social networks are not only hundreds of funny videos, but also useful content. For short lessons from the Internet, you can learn how to cook, care for yourself and even alter clothes. The latter became particularly relevant on quarantine when young people had a lot of free time. It's time to decide to spark the boring T-shirts and make something worthwhile. In the English-speaking space, a new trend appeared on the background of this - Midriff Flossing. These are T-shirts and dresses with slots and ties that turn around the waist as if the dental floss is a floss - hence the name. Womanhit talks about how to apply the trend to his wardrobe and not look strange.

Why are it worth removing things?

There are no things in the wardrobe: you will always seem to buy a pair of shoes, accessories or choose a new jacket to just purchased skirt. As in the famous anecdote Stepanenko, everything will start with the blouse, and will end with a new bag. We are for reasonable consumption, and therefore we suggest you to give you to friends who have become unnecessary things, to give to a charity foundation or redo themselves, but become old - to recycle. The more we think about the ecological trail left by us, the sooner he will spend the planet from pollution.

We start with Azov

Buy a sewing machine and overlock, if you are new to you, unreasonable. For the first experiments, you have enough scissors - with their help you can remake many things. Look at the example below, like a simple Mikey girl makes a new trendy top. An excellent idea for those who love this style of clothing and are not shy to show the figure.

Dir, knick

We continue experiments with scissors. Take the old T-shirt, spread it on the table and spend the vertical lines of a width of 5-8 cm from the waist line down. It is more convenient to draw in chalk, but if it was not found in the farm, a dry piece of soap or a pencil for an eye of a contrasting color-t-shirt is suitable. Exhausting the T-shirt in front and rear, cut it along the lines. You can leave the fringe, but we will advise you to link ribbons among themselves in chaotic order, as for example below.

Trend is gaining momentum

Options, how to change the boning T-shirt, mass. We offer you another one - as a result, it turns out a pretty top. In the video, the girl clearly explains how to modernize the T-shirt, but repeat once again the text for clarity. Cut the top of the T-shirt, then cut the thin ribbon from this part - she will tie the T-shirt in the center on the side of the chest. On the sides, cut triangles - it will be openings for hands.

Here are some more options how to change things:

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