7 questions you need to know the answer before increasing lips


Beauty procedures have long been not rare. And if adult women apply to cosmetologists before to hide age-related changes, now more young girls appear in the clinics of aesthetic medicine. Especially popular enjoy the increase in lips with the help of fillers. However, like any other cosmetology procedure, there are some nuances here. What you need to know before you increase the lips, a specialist in injection techniques and the nite lifting Vasily Uskov told.

Is the effect of the drug temporary?

Qualitative, correctly chosen filler will save the effect for a longer period. However, the preservation of the result depends not only on the drug, but also from the patient. If a person loves a bath, a sauna, he has increased the activity of the skin enzymes or he smokes, the effect will come faster. On average, it remains 8-12 months. Repeated procedure is made exclusively individually. In any case, even after the natural sinking of the gel lips will look better than before the increase.

The procedure without anesthesia can be painful?

Local cream anesthesia is carried out before increasing lips. There are Fillers with anesthetic, so the procedure is most comfortable. And of course, the feelings depend on the hands of the doctor who introduces the drug.

How to be if the result did not like?

If the patient came to a competent doctor, which picked up the right drug and told about all the intricacies of the procedure, then the option that the result would not like, almost excluded. If the client is still dissatisfied, there is always the possibility of either correction, or, in exceptional cases, complete removal of the drug.

From the qualification of the doctor depends the result of the procedure

From the qualification of the doctor depends the result of the procedure

Photo: unsplash.com.

How is the cost of the procedure?

The cost will depend on the chosen preparation. The market has many both registered and gray, cheap low-quality phillers. Unfortunately, in Russia in the field of cosmetology full chaos. Often, medical drugs can buy not only a person without higher medical education, but also the one who is not related to medicine at all. Patients often come to me with a request to remove incorrectly introduced gel or a filler, which gave remote complications. Unfortunately, there are more and more such cases every year. Therefore, the question must be put not expensive and cheap, but a qualitative quality. A drug that has been in the market for many years and has proven itself well, multi-level cleaning and numerous safety studies cannot cost the rest.

How to prepare for the procedure?

I recommend to exclude the on the eve of the bloodstreaming drug procedures. It is also better not to carry out plastic during menstruation and 2-3 days before its offensive. If herpes is often on the lips, the patient is prescribed an antiviral drug 2-3 days before the procedure in order to prevent the exacerbation of the disease.

Side effects depend on the professionalism of the doctor?

After the procedure may be swelling and bruises that pass in a few days. This is a normal phenomenon that does not require intervention. In the case when the patient saves and introduces a cheap low-quality drug or trusts itself to a non-professional (and even makes the procedure at home), the consequences can be quite deplorable. Gel reaction reactions, chronic inflammation, scarring, gel migration in the skin on other sections of the person, and this is not a complete list.

The procedure has contraindications?

Contraindications are pregnancy, breastfeeding, oncology, severe chronic diseases in the aggravation stage, as well as the presence in the lips of a permanent implant (for example, silicone). The remaining moments are individual.

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