Jennifer Lopez wants children from a young lover


The American performer Jennifer Lopez seems to be finally returned to his 24-year-old Casper Casper Smart. Jay Lo said that they became a real family with him, and, perhaps, the kids of Max and Emmy (children from marriage with the singer Mark Anthony) will soon have a brother or sister, writes the "7 days" magazine.

"We have so many years ahead, we can have a lot of time. I feel that she went to it all his life! " - Quotes "The Sun" words of 43-year singers.

At the same time, the relatives of the rainbow hopes of the singer are not divided. So, the former spouse Jennifer Mark Anthony believes that Casper spends too much time with his children. And familiar Smart himself claim that he meets with Lopez from mercantile motivations.

"He is a real snake! - Approves one of the former friends of Casper. - He met with the dancer Aisha Francis only to get to Jay Lo, and as soon as he got into the troupe - immediately threw her! "

"Jay Lo is found with clown. She wants it, she likes it. Her family is in a great good circus - and her children are happy. Why did you want? He is clown, "said the former choreographer Casper.

Recall that Jennifer Lopez recently decided to pause in relations with Casper Smart. The reason was the pictures made by paparazzations. On them, young beloved singers are photographed at the entrance to the striptease club. Apparently, the actress decided to return to the dancer.

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