Training on the street: Advantages in front of the fitness club


You can't imagine your life without sports and regularly go to the fitness club? It is useful to change the type of activity - try some time to do in the fresh air, and then compare the results. Often, on the surface of the playground, it is more difficult to train than in a comfortable room, so the muscle fibers have long been involved in the work. Want to know more?

Pros training on the street

Outdoor Oxygen organism is saturated Due to which the physical exertion is transferred easier than in a stuffy and close gym.

Increases the endurance of the body. A ten-minute jogging on the track does not matter any comparison with a run in the park. After all, in order to run a couple of kilometers on the street, the body accumulates more effort and energy. Especially if you run in the forest - on an uneven surface, alternating lifts to the mountain.

Going in the park you can with a friend

Going in the park you can with a friend


The metabolism is accelerated due to the same saturation of the body tissues with oxygen. That is why the morning jogs in the fresh air perfectly help to quickly reset extra kilograms.

Fresh Air Cardiography Strengthen the cardiovascular system . For this, not only running, but also cycling.

Outdoor classes allow diversify training process . You can not only run and ride a bike, but also play in tennis, badminton, volleyball, jump with a skip, rollerblading and swim in the reservoirs. You can also perform the usual exercises (for example, download the press) on street sports grounds. At such venues, you can even make a TRX loop.

Sunshit sports in sunny weather help Synthesize Vitamin D..

Sports on the street in summer allow Enjoy warm weather which is so lacking all residents of the northern part of the country.

Outdoor sports are also excellent Charging option . The body learns to adapt to various weather conditions: whether it is a hot sun, wind or rain.

In summer, many fitness clubs organize group classes in the fresh air

In summer, many fitness clubs organize group classes in the fresh air


Training on the street Minimize the risk of infection with viral diseases What you can not say about the gym. The closed room contributes to the rapid spread of infection.

Finally, workouts outdoor Normalize psycho-emotional background And help relax.

Do not forget that for street workouts you must have convenient training sneakers with good depreciation and foot fixing. Since when classes on the street, it is important to smooth out shock loads on the joints.

Pleasant training!

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