True and the myths about the reception of the bath


In the bath you can lie as much as you like and take it at least every day. Not. Take a bath worth not more than 20 minutes, it is a big load on the heart.

Due to the load on the heart, it is not worth taking a bath at all. Not. If you perform the conditions of the right bathing. The water temperature should not exceed 38-40 ° C, and water should not close the heart area.

Warm bath removes stress and soothes nerves. Yes. Bathing lowers nervous excitability. If water is 36.6-36.8 ° C, then such a bath has a sedative, relaxing, that is, a sedative effect.

Under the shower, you can cheer up, but there is no bathroom. Not. Cool baths, temperatures of 25-30 ° C, from 1 to 4 minutes, increase the metabolism and the toning effect.

Hot bath helps relieve spasm of vessels and pain. Yes. Thermal baths have a soothing, resinking, antispasmodic and painful effect. And help reduce pain syndrome with radiculitis, myalgies, mosites, diseases of the joints.

It is impossible to take a bath in heart failure. Yes. With heart failure, hot baths are contraindicated. The fact is that under the action of hot water, special receptors are triggered in vessels, and blood pressure rises.

Under reduced pressure, a hot bath will help. Not. With a hot tub, the vessels are expanding, and pressure can dramatically decrease. A person can lose consciousness and choke.

Hot bath is contraindicated in diabetes. Yes. In diabetes of the first type, insulin-dependent, it is impossible to take a bath - the level of sugar can decrease to a critical mark, and the person falls into the glycemic to whom.

Hot bath helps with cystitis. Not. In fact, only warm baths are useful in this case - 37.5 ° C, with the addition of medicinal herbs - higher temperatures will lead to a deterioration in the state.

Hot baths are harmful to veins. Yes. In experience-suffering varicose veins, overheating can provoke the inflammation of the veins and the formation of thrombus.

The hot tub improves the skin condition and displays slags and toxins. Yes. Hot baths increase the metabolism and stimulate blood circulation, contributing to self-cleaning of the entire body.

The bath can not be taken pregnant. Not. If a pregnant woman has no pathologies, a warm bath, and the duration of its reception is no more than 10 minutes, then you can enjoy this procedure at least all 9 months.

The bath helps with a cold. Yes. If the patient's temperature is not higher than 38 ° C, then hot bath with medicinal herbs will help to clean the respiratory tract. But it is not recommended to lie in it for more than 5 minutes.

Hot bath can not be taken with gynecological diseases. Yes. With the Moma of the uterus, the cysts of the ovaries and other diseases of hot baths can not be taken.

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