3 recipe when pear hangs, and you can not eat


This year in the suburbs an unexpected crop of pears. Already all familiar with them are gifted, the compotes for the winter are harvested, they themselves, but the fruits remained. Products to throw out a sorry, and sinner, how do not let the abyss of the rest of the fruit?


Fruits are perfectly combined with meat and bird. The pear sauce will be a spicy supplement to the main hot dish.


Pears - 6-8 pieces, not large;

Honey - ⅓ glasses, not very sweet and cerebral (buckwheat or chestnut will not fit);

Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;

Cinnamon hammer -1 teaspoon;

Ginger grated - 1 teaspoon;

Carnation - 4 pieces;


Pear sauce comes to any meat

Pear sauce comes to any meat


Pears thoroughly wash, clean from the peel and remove bones with a fruit. Cut the fruit with small pieces and put in a saucepan. Add: ginger, cinnamon, lemon juice, carnation, honey, a little water and extinguish on medium heat, until pears are completely soft and transparent. Let weight cool and mix it in the blender - the sauce is ready.



Pears - 1 kilogram;

Sugar - gram;

Water - 200-300 grams.

Rinse pears and remove the core. Cut them on the quarters and put in a saucepan with a wide bottom, fill with water, it should cover the fruits for 2-3 centimeters. Boil on slow heat until the water is evaporated, and the quantities will not become soft. Slightly cool down and wipe the finished fruits through the colander. Send the resulting puree back to the pan and boil until it thickens. After that, pumped sugar, mix well and keep another 5 minutes on fire. Explore the resulting mass into sterile banks.

Pavidlo and marmalade will be useful as filling for pies

Pavidlo and marmalade will be useful as filling for pies


Well closed marmalade is perfectly stored all winter at room temperature, and open banks in the refrigerator.



Pears - 1 kilogram

Lemon - 1 piece

Water-100 grams

Clean pears from the peel, seeds and fruits, the resulting pulp place in a pot with a thick bottom and walls. Add water and juice of one lemon, fashionably together with the flesh, just climb bones. Boil about 40 minutes before softening the fruits, under the closed lid. Dedicated from Pear Juice to sample, on its basis you can cook compote. Leaves a lot of grinding in a blender or wipe through a sieve, and put cooking on, sometimes stirring. When the puree starts to burn, remove the saucepan from the stove. Heat the oven to 100 degrees, unlock the parchment on the baking sheet and put it with a thin layer with a subtle layer. Dry Fastil at the open door from the beginning on the one hand, then on the other. The finished product should not break, and be sticky.

Baked pears - Beautiful dessert

Baked pears - Beautiful dessert


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