Now hairstyle can be simulated


Our grandmothers and mothers hairdressers could offer a single kind of "chemistry", which has greatly sproutped her hair and made all women twin sisters. Ten-fifteen years ago, more gentle ways of curling arose, allowing to achieve different effects - large or small smokers, "wet" or African curls. Nevertheless, any permanent curling by the end of its term lost the "commodity" species, and the hair was required to be a recovery period.

"Most recently, our market has a fundamentally new way of modeling hair, working at the molecular level and allows you to make long-term hair styling of any type and any degree of damage," says Anastasia Kornisyev, technologist, methodologist-expert of the LEBEL brand. - Developed a unique new Japanese cosmetic brand Lebel, already known to Russian consumers on high-quality hair care lines. Penetrating deep into the hair structure, PLIA tools make it possible to create a laying form for every taste: luxury curls, elastic curls, light waves or airlocking volume, keeping the hair themselves soft, flexible, natural in appearance and touch.

Many women looking through glossy magazines, admire the perfect hairstyles of models and actresses, passing out that this is: a good job of a stylist or good skills in Photoshop? Now you can get the hair "like in the picture" in one trip to the salon.

To achieve the effect of three-dimensional, elastic, bulk curls, a special formula has been developed comprising from two to four active components (thioglycolic acid, thioglycerin, cysteine ​​or cystamine). Until recently, in the traditional "curling" formula, only one of these components was present, as a result, the curls looked flat or did not match the initial diameter of the coughs (curlers). Due to the combination of several substances that work at different levels (some penetrate deep into the structure of the hair, others affect the outer layers of the cuticle), it became possible to create two types of hairstyles:

- structured elastic curls, as if screwed into forceps;

- Natural natural bulk curls.

Moreover, the resulting diameter curl now exactly corresponds to the size of the coughs. But it is not enough to get a luxurious lap, I want to still save her health.

And here the Japanese continue to delight their scrupulous and thoughtful approach. First, they use highly purified ingredients, without extraneous impurities, secondly, their concentration is carefully balanced, therefore the deep structure of the hair is not damaged, the means for curling contain a number of cargoing substances, and they should be stopped in more detail.

As you know, the hair is damaged unevenly: most of all goes to the tips and the middle part of the length, but the closer to the roots, the links are less and healthier. Sometimes the hair has to move much - from bleaching and painting to the negative effect of ultraviolet, exposure to a hair dryer, forceps, iron. Before you begin modeling such hair, you must first align their structure. On the other hand, when recovering problem areas, you must not overdo it, otherwise the "padded" areas will be worse perceived curling components. As a result, the curls will be different diameters or remain partially straight.

To avoid uneven curls, a special lotion was created for pre-departure PLIA BASE, which makes it possible to control the process of hair restoration. A special substance (acetylcysteine), which is included in its composition, aligns damaged areas, but it makes it delicately, it does not make it difficult for further operation of active ingredients. In addition, the lotion includes:

Cerames, replenishment of lost hair lipids;

Amino acid GL, restoring the protein basis of hair;

tocopherol (vitamin E), preserving the integrity of cells;

Chitosan, firming hair structure;

SMS-cocktail, normalizing water-fat balance.

The Lotion Formula takes care that the entire length of the hair flakes firmly seamlessly to each other, returning shine, smoothness and elasticity.

After the problem areas are put in order, you can proceed to the modeling procedure.

Faithful choice

Molecular modeling makes it possible to choose the optimal composition for the hair of varying degrees of damage - both for soft and fine hair and for difficultly perhaps. In addition, you can vary the duration of the curling time (from two weeks to six months).

"The PLIA 80 TG means has been created for naughty and hard hair," continues Anastasia Kornisseva, which forms smooth, structured curls with a clearly defined diameter. With traditional "chemistry", the curls often look dull, here the curls remain shiny, with a holistic structure.

Normally, the hair is treated with the PLIA CURL tool, which creates a natural shape of curls, soft waves and bulk hairstyle.

With its help, you can get a root volume for those who do not seek curls.

The listed types of modeling are held from three to six months, but there is a third tool, not such a "long-playing", - PLIA CURL F. It is designed for a period of two weeks to two months, the brides are often resorted to it during the wedding and Honeymoon look romantic, as well as all those who like to experiment or have not yet decided on their appearance.

As part of the funds for the first stage of the curling, there are many caring components, including:

- glycerin, moisturizing hair;

- carbamide (urea extract), holding moisture in the structure of the hair;

- phytosterol responsible for the integrity of the cell structure and protecting the skin of the head from irritation;

- cholesterol, reinforcing cell regeneration;

- Amino acid arginine, strengthening the protein basis of the Volos;

- Castor oil, softening hair and caring for them.

After the hair attached the right shape, it should be fixed and at the same time stop the chemical reaction. With this task, the PLIA means are successfully coped with the second stage of the curling, which restore the normal PH balance of the hair. Moreover,

They contain components for the control of hydrogen bonds (KVC), which replace the natural moisture in the hair, because they have a higher boiling point and can remain in the structure much longer.

Due to the presence of components of the FCS, the hair after modeling is well kept shape both in dry and in a wet state. Holders of curly hair (no matter - natural or curled) perfectly know that in wet weather their curls look more structured, and when dried up - they begin to fluffy. Now, thanks to the system of controlling hydrogen bonds, this can be avoided. "

And what then?

The uniqueness of molecular modeling is that you get the finished hairstyle, and it is not even necessary to dry the hair dryer. Is this not a dream of all women who are hurrying in the morning to work? Maintain the curuy of the middle and small diameter, as well as to care for hair best of all from the "pearl series", which includes pearl proteins, silk, seaweed extract and honey. Preparations of the "pearl series" restore the structure of the hair, give them shine and elasticity, remove the statics.

For large curls and waves, the ProDit Curl is more suitable with the effect of creating shape and volume. These tools are compacted and moisturized hair, the curls structure are structured, normalize the acid-alkaline balance of the scalp.

At the end of the road, the hairstyle does not turn into a "washcloth", as it happens with ordinary "chemistry." Locks begin to gradually "open", on the hair is not visible a clear boundary between curly and abandoned strands, and the hairstyle still looks good. If desired, modeling can be repeated along the entire length or to make only in the root zone.

In direct

But what about those who want to get rid of curls or waves and get perfectly even shiny hair? "They provide for the procedure of molecular hair straightening with the means of PLIA Relaxer," explains Anastasia Kornisseva. - The basis here is the liquid cream of Liquid Crystal, which is responsible for the deep penetration and the uniform distribution of all active ingredients in the hair structure.

Moreover, the new formula allows you to combine the molecular straightening of hair with their staining in one day, which was not available before, if the client wanted to keep the health of his hair.

An important part of the procedure is to apply creams for pre-maintenance of BASE and BASE HD (the latter is intended for strongly damaged hair). Personal ingredients in their composition help keep hair health upon subsequent smoothing iron.

Among them:

- cyclodextrin and amino acid GL, which prevent the protein folding during thermal processing (that is, protect hair from damage);

- thermoactive soy RRT (strengthens and compacts the hair structure);

- Ceramides (filled with lost fats);

- Chitosan (prevents the section).

At the first stage of straightening, the strands are processed with a composition with thioglycolic acid, ammonia and a caring complex. The compositions are selected by type of hair: for rigid and naughty hair - Relaxer SP, for soft and thin - Relaxer N. Thus, the impact goes as gentle as possible.

After the required exposure time, the hair was washed with water and dried with a hairdryer, after which there comes a turn of iron, the temperature of which is set from 140 to 180 degrees, which allows you to protect the hair structure from the "boiling" and make them perfectly smooth, straight and shiny.

To fix the resulting result, a fixing agent with a soft enveloping formula is applied to the hair for five to eight minutes, which includes the ingredients already familiar to us, - glycerin, castor oil, components of the FCC.

As a final chord, you can use the careful salon program "The perfect form", aimed at stabilizing the structure of the hair after straightening.

In my home care, it is best to use the ProDit Through series or the Pearl Series series, specially designed to maintain the effect of smooth and straight hair.

Hair after molecular straightening not only acquire a smooth, straight shape and dazzling glitter, but also become very soft and elastic. Such a chic look they retain from three months to six months. But even after this time, the hair does not take the initial natural shape, but they can start slightly to worry or fluff out.

Immediately after the procedure, it is not recommended to wash your head within three days (except in cases where the hair passed the program "The perfect form"), challenge the hair with hairpins, collect in the tail and remove behind the ears. As hair grows, it is possible to rectify only on the disturbing zone.

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