Alexey Yagudin: "The basis of marriage is the dialogues"


For him, he always first were airplanes - in the sense of ice, training, performances. But both girls did not leave the attention of a pretty and successful guy. Alexey could boast not only for his sporting achievements, but also victories over the hearts of beauties. Lena careful, Sasha Savelyev, Nastya Gorshkova, Yana Batyrshina - the Donjan List can continue and continue. Alexey himself stated in his autobiographical book that he would not connect himself to marriage to forty years. However, everything happened much earlier. Tanya Tutmianin he knew from adolescent age - they trained together on the rink in St. Petersburg, but, as usual, they did not pay attention to each other. The tragedy got together - when Tanya broke up with Frand, and her mother died in the car accident, Alexey was the first one who substituted the friendly shoulder. And then this friendship has grown into something more. Opposites are attracted: calm, balanced Tatiana and explosive in nature, very emotional Alexey get along well together.

You had a lot of novels, but in the registry office you were in no hurry. Were afraid of responsibility?

Alexey Yagudin: "Subconsciously I always wanted me to have my own family. Just when you are alone, you get used to it. And the family is no longer monologues, but dialogues. I have to stubbornly push into the background. The life began, where compromises are necessary. But, apparently, everything is your time. "

Tanya is also hard man?

Alexey: "In terms of sports, yes. At the same time she is very homely, feminine. And I still brought up so that I believe: a man is the head of the family. Although I understand that the basis of marriage is, of course, dialogue and trust. Without talking about souls, you will never understand what your partner needs. In general, I love my family, and this is the main thing. "

They say a man subconsciously looking for a wife similar to Mom. Notice the similarity between your favorite women?

Alexey: "Tanya and Mom are similar only by the fact that they are both mothers. This is the only thing between them in common. And so they are absolutely different - both in nature, and in the worldview. People of different time, different generations. But mom for me and now a very close person, I communicate with her a lot, I advise. She has a rich life experience, and with regard to the education of Lisa, it helps us very much. "

Alexey Yagudin and Tatiana Tutmyanina. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Alexey Yagudin and Tatiana Tutmyanina. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Especially since you are with Tatiana constantly on tour ...


"Yes, Tanya began to perform two weeks after childbirth. She has a sporty character. (Laughs.) Lisa remains with a nanny, and sometimes my mom comes, takes it to Peter. "

Are you firmly settled in Moscow with your family?

Alexey: "I adore large cities. I myself am from Peter, but I do not like it. Not because he is ugly. On the contrary, the architecture is stunning there, but the climate just kills. Raw, gloomy and there is no energy at all. All as in slow motion movie. Tanya has forever head hurts there, and I want to sleep. And Moscow is a bunch of energy that constantly drives you somewhere, and I am a buzzer from it. Even the plugs do not annoy me - I look, I look around how to drive them. And we rest in the city - we have our own home, plot, sauna. Tanya is still rushing to Moscow, but I think that in the summer in the fresh air it is better for everyone: both to us, Lisa, and the dog. "

What can your daughter know how?

Alexey: "Constantly check, as far as we are patient parents. (Laughs.) Much over us and the dog - pull it over the tail, poke your finger into the eyes. Tanya and I have recently returned from Hong Kong, I immediately flew to Peter, and my wife went home. And so I call, I ask how things are there. She says: "Now I am watching Liza - she smears cook (this is a dog) cream." I laugh: "Do I like it?" - "I doubt that it gets great pleasure, but what can I do?" - answers Tanya. Daughter, though small, but stubborn, with character. And everything understands. I say: "Lisa, know where we sleep?" She: "Yes." - "Well, here on the floor jeans, a T-shirt and a jacket. Bring me a sweater. " I went, brought. I give her a piece of paper - thrust. It goes to the trash can. Cool observe how the child grows, develops. Probably, not all fathers immediately realize what happiness is to have children. I was at first with some caution treated this tiny little man. And now I enjoy our communication and try to spend as much time as possible with my daughter - and walk, and run, and play. Lisa is a favorite game - "in the house": she erases something, removes, feeds his bears. For some reason, she still calls the bears, "His dog is" Vava ", something bad -" Kaka ". I'm still waiting for it to talk normally. I myself spoke only at four years, but Tanya told the verses for a year and a half - everything is individually. "

See your traits in my daughter?

Alexey: "Well, with beauty, she went to Mom, and stubbornness is probably from me. Lisa always achieves his. And she is not a stupid girl. "

You said that do not give it to figure skating. Why?

Alexey: "In a big sport - for nothing. It will be older - we give, put on skates, let him try. Rhythmic gymnastics, any different circles - all this will be. In childhood, sports, of course, is needed. He temper the character. This is discipline, organization. Plus health. Make her further play sports, as my mom did at one time, I will not. I remember how she said: "We went to open ice, my grandmother will save you the covers so that the legs do not froze." No, I don't need a daughter-athlete. I need an educated and healthy person. "

Alexey, and with what figure on ice could you compare your life?

Alexey: "An interesting question ... It is even difficult to answer so with the go. Figure skating there are basic elements. Well, for example, we take multi-turn jumps. They, although complex, exciting, but with them, I would not like our life path: it turns out, even though you strive to swell, but in the end landed at the starting point, from where it started. Cascade of jumps, rotation? Also very monotonous. Probably the closer to the serpentine (track of steps). Here you can spin, and turn turns, and some small chambers, and come back. My life is as diverse - there were both major victories in it, and mistakes. But the point is that I still go ahead. "

Goals in sports are obvious and understandable. And now where are you moving?

Alexey: "My sports career ended ten years ago, you can say on a high note. The Olympic medal is that neither say, Triumph, the highest award. But I am a happy person, because I have a job that is also connected with figure skating, and I get great pleasure from her. People like our ice shows, New Year's performances, musicals - we are touring not only in Russia, but also around the world. And it's great that we deliver the audience joy. But I understand that I can't ride all my life, and here the question arises that all the athletes inevitably ask themselves: what to do next? After all, it was before everything was clearly painted: I woke up, got out of bed, made a charge, sinking, then a playpen, a skating rink, a gym ... All pre-programmed. And now I want to try something new, get another profession, so as not to stop at what is achieved, develop further. And I'm looking for a hook, which can later be the new thing from which I will buzz at least than from figure skating. For example, my colleague and a good friend Anton Siharulidze after sport found himself in politics. I traveled with him for five years in the tours in one bus. And I saw that this sphere really fascinates. He constantly read some historical books, something outlined. I tried to tell me: "Imagine, but Stalin did something and then ..." That is, he received no less pleasure from politics than I am now - from working on television or from playing a play. Perhaps this will be my future profession. I want to get an additional acting education. It is clear that in addition to a huge desire, you have to have some base. "

At the moment, if I'm not mistaken, you have one performance and one film.

Alexey: "Two performances. The first was not very successful. He was in verses and was called the "President's Vacation". I played Vladimir Putin. Another play, which is called "not believing your eyes," lives longer than I am in it. I was invited to Valery Lanskaya, my former Ice Shaw Partner. She said: "Try, you want." Today there are roles in the film "Heart of Captain Nemova", TV series "Hot ice". It is clear that this is not a god of news which list. But in a situation where your main profession is associated with figure skating and requires colossal time costs, any other addition to this is akin to the victory at the World Championships. "

This is a direct tendency: the actors participate in ice shows, and skaters try themselves on stage. Your colleague Alexey Tikhonov also plays in a play with Catherine Strezhenova. Have you ever suspected acting abilities?

Alexey: "It is customary to consider athletes with non-evil people. This opinion is based on the fact that many of us are forced to "score" on education: miss school, institute to achieve success in sports. But it seems to me that everything depends on the desire of the person himself. I was lucky: my mom "built" me not only that concerned figure skating, she forced to learn. I graduated from school with a silver medal. I was more interested in accurate science. Probably played their role of genes - Mom was a researcher at the Institute of Informatics and Computer Engineering. Did I notice the acting abilities? I think about my data is better to judge from the side. But, of course, in figure skating there is an artistic component - after all, you invent images, costumes, try to file yourself. Apparently, it gave a push. And Lesha Tikhonov I was on the play. I like it. Cool on the other hand to see the person you know well. "

Be afraid for the first time to go on stage?

Alexey: "Of course, because it is new. The first performance was generally in verses: imagine how to learn the text? In addition, I was very worried. But no longer because I will unsuccessfully perform, and because I will bring others. In sport, I only answered myself - I fell, I lost. And here success depends on the work of the entire team. I remember the guard in the hall wished me good luck: "I see Alexey that you are nervous. Everything will be fine". And then, when I went out for the scenes after the first action, he asked: "Well, how did everything go?" I say: "In the toilet run, diapers change." (Laughs.) Of course, it was terrible first. Now it is much easier. "

In the theater, you are not a professional and, probably, you understand that you get worse than others. Criticism does not hurt pride?

Alexey: "You can't immediately stand on a new field and win. I calmly treat criticism. And in what concerned figure skating, I also listened to the opinion of other people. Let it be better than the criticism than false flattering. "

Alexey Yagudin and Tatiana Tutmianin love to travel. Photo: Personal archive.

Alexey Yagudin and Tatiana Tutmianin love to travel. Photo: Personal archive.

What feeling you are watching the world championships?

Alexey: "I don't watch them at all. Everyone is so surprised ... To be honest, I am not interested. I did everything that could. It is clear that the time is going and there will be new champions, victories and tragedies. And why it is not interesting - there are no bright individualities. If you take the masters of the old school: Lyudmila Belousova, Oleg Protopopov, Tatyana Tarasova, Tamara Moskvina is really personal, people with powerful internal energy. In February, the European Championship in figure skating, which coincided with the shooting in the "Ice Age". And since I was a leading show and did not ride until three to four in the morning, like everyone else, I had the opportunity to see it. I did not feel any special emotions. If you take a male single skating, then, probably, only one skater, Canadian Patrick Chan, approached the fact that our top five did at the Olympics, - two quadruple jumps. Over ten years - no development. Of course, the first years after the completion of the career, I missed and wanted to return to the sport. Just so sharply suddenly everything broke out ... I thought it would help the knee operation, but this did not happen. (Alexey had a congenital defect of the hip joint - he does not fully covers the head of the hip. It was not visible on X-rays. No one could understand why, performing jumps, the figure skater felt the strongest pain. After the victory at the Olympics in Salt Lake City in 2002 The year, Yagudin held a tour in America - in fact, on the anesthetic drugs. At the same time, he was made the first surgery on the hip, but the effect was short-term. In 2007, Alexey completely replaced the hip joint with a metal prosthesis. He got out of bed for the next day, and after two weeks he ran 10-kilometer cross. Inspired, the figure skater said that he was returning to a big sport. But at competitions in Germany, he could not even finish the performance - he was taken from ice. - Approx. Auth.)

How is your health now?

Alexey: "Compared with what period? If you remember yourself to fifteen sixteen years, now it is clearly worse. (Laughs.) The first time after the operation was difficult - I completely changed the hip joint. But now I can already ride, fully work. Every year at seventy-eighty cities we part with the tour of the ice show, which puts Ilya Averbukh. In addition, we are preparing ice fairy tales for children "Treasure Island", "While the watch twelve beats." Our musical was represented in London. I also take part in the program called "Voltcharge". The main focus of this project is to attract people to a healthy lifestyle. This is a set of exercise in the open air, there is absolutely nothing complicated in them. I saw one woman in seventy years old made Mahi legs, and she did well. We added musical accompaniment and now conduct classes for Latin American music. In general, after sport, my life has become much more interesting: there has been a huge number of new wonderful projects. I do not say that the sports period of my life was boring. No, he was capturing and full adrenaline, experiences. But it all ended, you need to go further. And do not sit on the Internet, looking for who won the Olympics there. "

Do you have no desire to transfer your rich experience to young athletes?

Alexey: "I will never be coaching. This is the last thing I will do. I do not want to bind your whole life with figure skating. Again, stand on ice for hours, to see around the same face ... besides, it is not easy to train. You not only teach athletes, you also take an active part in their lives. This is a huge responsibility. But it stops me not the difficulty of coaching work - no, I want to try something new, and not to boil in one juice in the same kitchen. In front of me now so much tempting opportunities opens! "

Are you a fond of natural, is it difficult to be monogamous?

Alexey: "And who said that I am fond of? (Laughs.) No, not difficult. In fact, I am absolutely happy with my family. "

Are you not an online person?

Alexey: "I am SMS. I know what social networks are, but I do not understand at all, people spend such a huge amount of time on the fig. You can take the phone and call to whom you want to communicate. No, they are sitting, find out who has many subscribers, change statuses, hang photos, get acquainted with friends. Maybe someone likes ... I don't have anything against it, it's just not mine. Although I understand that life will gradually lead a person on the Internet. Therefore, you have to master this element. "

Do you like to travel?

Alexey: "Very. But if earlier I could easily break somewhere abroad for three days, now I want a longer vacation. "

Have your favorite countries?

Alexey: "All Asia. Just kayfu there. This is absolutely another people, another lifestyle, mentality. They try to take a guest well there, to show respect for him. I really like oriental cuisine. The food is just amazing. If we talk about Europe, then choosing between three countries - Italy, Spain and France, I will give preference to the latter. This is a civilized country with richest cultural traditions. "

You lived quite a long time in America, then returned. Did not like?

Alexey: "I really spent seven years in America. Four years rode there under the leadership of Tatyana Tarasova, then there were touring tours. And after that I came for two weeks in Peter to rest, and my mother asked: "You for a long time? When are you going back? "And I realized that I did not want to return to America at all. There's all artificial, ranging from eating and ending with emotions. People like robots. In Russia, the people are still more soulful, open to communicate. Plus, here is my mentality, culture, humor. I remember when after America I first went to walk along the Nevsky Prospect, just awesome: what girls are beautiful! They try to look good, getting striking, even if you even for small money. And in America, people in order to enter the street, just put the shorts and slippers. Although their capabilities most often much more and earn them well. I have already said that I recently rest in Hong Kong. This city, too, admit me, surprised. There, too, the girls behind themselves are very watching - they go through the streets such beauties are thin, dark-haired. Ploy. But then we arrived with Tatiana to Moscow and understood: we still have better! This is a native house. "

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