How to overcome fear - proven tips that helped people


What are you afraid of? Dentist, spiders or, maybe condemning people, loss of work or loneliness? Fear is the protective function of the body. It is not necessary to fear - this is normal, the lack of fear is not the safest option. But when the feeling of excitement and anxiety takes over you top, this is a problem. If a crane flows in the kitchen, do you ignore it? No, you call plumbing and solve the problem. Fear eats you from the inside, damages the psyche, does not give live freely, as you want. Womanhit prepared tips to help overcome this feeling and start taking new solutions.

Learn more about fear

Think what are you afraid? Decision, process or consequences? In order to understand a person, you need to turn face to face and see what he is. Being right in front of fear, you see the details that did not notice before. Draw in your head a picture of what is afraid, add paints. Maybe everything is not so bad? Remember, knowing the enemy, you understand how to resist him.

you will be proud when overcome the barrier

you will be proud when overcome the barrier


Think positive

The imagination makes it possible to develop creativity, think non-standard. But it can play a keen joke, forcing you to think about negative things. Imagination can strengthen fear, draw the worst outcome of events in the head. Instead of allowing imagination to lead you on the dark corridors of fear, use it to overcome the excitement. Relax, close your eyes, imagine the situation that makes something shrink inside. Are you afraid of the dentist? Survive a mental moment of campaign to Dentist, remember the smell, sound, make a picture in my head as much as possible. Start looking for options as you can get out the winner from this situation. Talk to your doctor about good weather, imagine how you will be proud of a new smile and receive compliments. Remember, there are no hopeless situations.

Focus on breathing

Breathing is more important than you think. When a person is concerned, he begins quickly breathing. Short breaths cause a number of negative reactions in the body, which quickly turn into anxiety attack. The key to overcoming is to control the breath. Senake the first signs of excitement? Concentrate, take a deep breath, and then slow exhalation. Pay attention to the exhalation should be longer inhale. Such a trick to allow the body to physically calm down, but to stop thinking about the consequences.

The goal should be above fear

The goal should be above fear


Motivate yourself

Think how thank yourself for the victory over fear. Think about what is above fear. Are you afraid to drive a car? Present a trip by sunny California on the cabriolet. Yes, it is difficult to draw such a colorful picture when it rains outside the window. Think that you will always get a reward for work. Choose a goal for yourself and break it on small soda. Overcome the first 100 meters, then 1000. Doing regularly small steps, you will reach the desired result!

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